Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Finally I'm back home!


Oh my God, and I'm so damn glad to be home.


Funny thing... This last work travel, during Halloween, was a nightmare!!! A 5 day trip becoming almost a 20 day trip. The things I've experenced this past few days? An explosion, a truck rolling on its side (not the was I was riding, the one after me), two flat tires in the middle of nowhere with only one spare and no phone service (and the night a couple of hours away), a worker who just quit and walked away and we never were able to contact him away as if he banished, strange noises some nights (and believe me some of them SCARY as fuck)... BTW, I'm OK and no one got hurt.


This was a freakish, weird and obscure experience. Fun to look back at it, but I'm no no hurry to experience it again. The good part is that I managed to negotiate some days off next week.

But all that's behind me! I'm going to try to get up to date with emails, comments and messages, and if  I find the energy and time, I'll probably finish the comic this weekend. No promises, but I'm doing my best here.


Thanks a lot my friends, for your support and understanding! I was so desperate to get back to my devices and start answering your quesions and work on renders. Now, let's have some fun!

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Sunday, November 1, 2020

If you're seeing this post... Something went wrong

Happy halloween my friends!!

Sadly, today I have no treats for you. I left this post to auto-publish in case something has gone wrong.

If you're reading this, it means there was a problem at work and I wasn't able to get back home in time. I 'm in the middle of nowhere with little no no internet conenction. Also it means I have no idea when I'll be back home, but I expect it to be during the first week of November

You see I had to tavel, and I was expected to return by Thursday 29 with more than enough time to finish the comic and there's no reception where I am right now, and the only phone and computer I have with me are the one from work - and VipCaptions stuff can't go anywhere near them since they really control what you do with them. So if something went wrong and the job got delayed, I can't do anything about it.

 But one thing I can do: show you the cover of the comic!

Like what you see? I kinda upped the story contents a little bit to make up for the lack of other VipComics stories.

But you know what really grinds my gears? After Halloween, a halloween-themed comic seems out of place. And yes, it's going to be 1 comic not a VipComics issue as time wasn't enough.

I apologize deeply again, I will try to make it up to you guys! Believe me when I say I want to be back home way more than anything right now.

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