Friday, February 23, 2018

Corruption of Champions sketches, extra renders and development - Part 2

Hello veryone! I'm (sadly) back from my vacations! I see you enjoyed the posts I left programmed for you in my absence. Great!
But of course, I knew that many of you would ask for CoC news, and I didn't want to return empty handed.

Specially considering that VipComics #6 is more likely to see the light before CoC#18

So, just like the last time, here are some renders and a bit of insight in the creation process. Click images to enlarge, of course (is it really necessary to clarify that, I wonder?)

Unused Models
CoC gives me a place to place some unused models or ideas... Like, for example, remember the dream part? I wanted to do some nasty things to the twins that teached our Champion chastity...

Who knows? Maybe something of this will come in a short comic sometime...

Or, maybe, thake for example the Milk Slave

Or, for example, discarded ideas or models for the comic.
I thought of adding a "Dark Elf Genie" (basically a Djinn) but it was not in the original game, and the nasty futa trickster should have her own miswish comic sometime. Right?
Plus, Ceraph can do her job quite nicely don't you think?

Others models may feature a bit more than just a vignette in the comic... And ended up being close contenders for final characters.

And, some other characters have limited appeareance, but still might play  a bigger part in the coming chapters...
Why on earth an Incubus would need a wrench? What is it... some kind of mechanic (wink wink)

Character Development
Most usually than I want, I think making a model will take short time because I know what I want and I have some idea of how to make it...
Silly me! I will never learn that so many things require time! Problems with models proportions, problems with colors, or simply tweaking something a bit, and ending up doing something entirely different.

For  example... Scylla.
Damn she was hard! Adjatha did yet another of his masterpieces with this one...

So I ask myself how am I supposed to render something that looks like... this?

And add the fact that I wanted to make her transformation, and not just show her transformed?

So, first we look for a skin, and then a face, It must be young, virginal, naive, and hot yet not a bombshell...

And then, the transformation... That mouth, those lusty lips Adjatha draws with such mastery that cannot be rendered. Or, at least, I can't.
So... My first attempts were... Uhm...

Yep. total horse face.
In fact, I starter wasting time just having fun, making monstosities like this:

At least, the body was not an issue.

 Until I realized... She has lipples. that meant putting mouths in her nipples!
So, not only I had to tweak ther mouth and lips, remove teeth, remove nipples, etc., but find also mouths and a skin to match!

Another thing that consumes a lot of time is choosing clothes and hair.
For example, the Sand Mother

Or even Ifris

And sometimes, it's just  a mix of everything: I have the model, but... what skin color? what hair color? How do they mix and match? and how do they match their clothes?
Let's take a look, for example, at the Cum Witch
This was the first, original model and its clothing choices:

 And then... how about the skin? How would it look in the model, and how the face will look with different skins?

And if that wasn't enough... Hair! Hairstyle? Hair color?

 Extra stuff

This has little to do with CoC, but I'm donating for a videogame (well, a mod actually) a portait model: Sheena
Sheena is a half  Dragon girl featured in a mod for Baldur's Gate. More info HERE
(Actually, She's a bit similar to a CoC named Ember)
This is NOT the final model, because it look a lot more CoC-like than the character it is supposed to be based on. I used my Ifris model and... well, buff the hell out of her I guess.

 And... Spoilers

Yes, I'm breaking my own rule. Here's some of what's coming in the next chapters!

Glad to be back, and even more to see that I got feedback even though I was away. Thanks a lot!!


  1. Wow, that, um . . . mammaripede(?) . . . is quite a TF. The poor girl is clearly quite overwhelmed by the experience. I'm going to have to reblog it to, where no multibreast is too breasty or too multi!

    1. Hi there! No problem ,reblog it. I'm gonna check out your tumblr, seems quite of my taste (before and after photos of real life bimbos are amazing!)

  2. Hey VIP Sitri here!

    I happy you're back. Also I have a question about the "lipples" Did you shrink down two head and put them in the breasts?

    1. Basically, yes, then parented to the breasts (works better with G3 than with G2 because the breasts is a separate poseable part), then morphed the mouths and their tongues.
      First you need to remove completely the nipples and modify the skin into a nipleless skin, because the texture of the areolas can be seen after the nipple removal.

      And a little tip, put the lipples after meking the final breast morphs, or you'lb be trapped in a world of micro adjustments

    2. I Wonder if it would be possible to give these lipples pierced tongues and perhaps lips?

    3. I don't see why not. Maybe the lips could be a bit problematoc as the piercing would probably go through the breasts at some point.
      But apart from that, it's like giving piercings to a regular model

    4. Maybe It is something you could try on a standalone image? I think it would be a very sexy and interesting look.

  3. Hola Vip:

    Espero que hayas disfrutado de tus vacaciones. Esperaré con ganas tus proximos post.

    Como te puse en un post anterior (el primero de los dos de las vacaciones) ¿podrias darme algún correo o alguna forma para contactar contigo y mandarte unas sugerencias para historias?.

    Muchas gracias y continua con tu maravilloso trabajo.

    1. Hola nuevamente SuperHyopga
      Deja un correo al que pueda contactarte, luego borraré ese comentario
      (no dejo mi correo, lo hice una vez y me volvieron loco con spam)

  4. 😓so bizarr!! Youre Works so good

  5. Altough i like the fantasy setting and the story of your coc comic, i´m happy to hear that there will be a vipcomics soon (for a change, you know).
    As always, your work is amazing.

    1. Thanks! Yes, sometimes it's quite repeptitive for me too. I need to start something new from time to time, lus I feel like a slave of this comic, it has becoming something so large!

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. Ya te he mandado un correo. Ya me dices algo.


  8. The next chapter is going to be hoooooot!

  9. Heck yeah, Sophie and Kelt. I hope that also brings more scenes like the one with Akbal and either Bimbo sophie or Kelly *w*

  10. Espero hayas tenido unas magníficas vacaciones. Es bueno saber que estas de regreso :) :D . Me puse un poco triste en ver como los pechos del protagonista dejaron de lactar y se redujeron de tamaño :( . Pero se que seguiras por buen camino la historia :D . A mi en lo personal me gustaria ver en acción a los otros modelos que hiciste de cum with ... en especial a la rubia alta musculosa. Una duda... volveremos a ver una interaccion con Loope? Lo pregunto porque teóricamente ese personaje suele encontrarse facilmente al visitar el gym y recortemos que Martin la dejo plantada, será interesante ver como se las cobra. En otras cosas, tampoco puedo esperar a ver como le ira a Martin en el proximo encuentro que tenga con Ceraph y las consecuencias del mismo. Saludos desde Mexico.

    1. Hola, si, gracias mis vacaciones fueron espectaculares!

      Ehmm... por que piensas que dejaron de lactar? solo perdieron un poco de grasa.

      Ah, Loppe... puede que no se haya tomado con ligereza que Martin la haya abandonado en su cita...

  11. Oh shit, is that Kelt? I would love to see him trying to breed the PC :) and as for revenge, getting transformed into Kelt and bred herself :D

  12. cant see bunny girl in spoler((

    1. The spoiler is about characters that haven't appeared in the comic yet

  13. If you have time, i would like to see some captions while we're waiting on your next project :)

    Pretty please ^^

  14. Minotaurs, hell yeah!

  15. Just a thought. But what are your thoughts on the Gargantuan demon possession from the game. Any possibility of that working it's way into the story or a little vignette?

    1. I left it out becasue it would divert me from the story I want to create... And also, becasue I can't just put everything

  16. I'm personally in favor of a Goblification TGTF short.

  17. Hola¡ creo que uno de los comics que más me gustó por su temática y por ser básicamente ``forced tf´´ fue jynxed, e incluso beam me up. Tienes pensado sacar antes de verano algo del estilo? Gracias por tu trabajo

    1. Yo la verdad espero que j unca haga la continuación de jynxed, no porque nonfuera bueno (es de los mejores trabajos de VIP); si no porque el mismo ha dicho que ese será su último trabajo antes de retirarse.

    2. Exacto. Sera mi retiro.
      Por supuesto sacaré mas comics, VipComics# 6 esta en camino

  18. welcome back, can't wait for the big lips that the champ will inevitably get

    and hopefully a butt too :)

  19. VIP yo tengo una duda de un capitulo anterior... en la parte XV, pagina 57-58, cuando Martín compra una botella de vino del satiro, en un puesto callejero, ahi hay una botella de champagne de bimbo o incluso sera licor de bimbo? Regresará Martin a ese lugar ? Saludos

    1. Ja! buena vista.
      Creo que Martin aún tiene varias bebidas por proar, verdad?

    2. Me agrada muchisimo leer eso. Esperare con ansias la siguiente parte :3

  20. I'd love to see a cock coming out of his/her mouth or the penis magic scene from when Ceraph is your pet ;) that would be HOOOOOTTT

    1. As long as it does not goes spitting on people's face afterwards, lol

  21. There is a lack of widely gaped butts around here

    1. Lately here butt was a bit disregarded, you're right

  22. Te queda mucho para el tomo 18 lo esperó ansioso

    1. Dentro de poco viene VipComics#6, luego terminatre el tomo 18

    2. Sera posible verla la proxima semana o veremos un milagro este domingo

    3. No esperes ningun milagro, amigo. Estas cosas toman tiempo.

    4. Lo sé. Y esas esperas siempre han valido la pena.siempre das lo mejor de ti y entregas cosas de gran calidad. Veo que hiciste una nueva publicación, y muy diferente a lo acostumbrado. Excelente trabajo :)
      Gracias por compartirlo.

  23. VipCaptions, Когда будет следующая часть CoC? и почему ты раскрыл не все модели/арты персонажей?

    1. Следующий CoC появится после того, как я выпущу VipComics # 6, над которым я сейчас работаю. Я не выпускаю все модели, потому что мне нравится держать вас в угадывании и интересоваться комиксом!

  24. I often come and check if there is an update to the story. Hopefully you still enjoy making these, because I surely still enjoy reading them.

    1. I must admit I do not enjoy it that much, it's been almost 2 years of CoC and it's delaying other long comics I want to make. Also, the rendering is way too slow.

      But yes, I still enjoy and I feel invested in this story and character, and I have many models I want to use so badly!

    2. Great to hear that! CoC is one of the best webcomics I read and I would love to see what happens next. Following the story of our lovable little dude (dudette?) has been truly exciting so far.

      Thanks for making this gem VipCaptions
