Friday, January 3, 2020

2020 Checklist: What's coming this year?

OOOF, 2020, you're looking Good! 
As I finish the last hours before my vacations - Don't worry, I left a suprise for the next couple of weeks programmed and I'll be connecting from time to time -  I can't avoid thinking... what's ahead of me next year? Because I feel like I want more.

So it's only fair you have an idea what's on my mind. This is the main draft of an agenda. I have an insame amount of ideas for this year, but I picked the following. I'm letting you know what's on my mind for this year- Of course, provided everything goes perfect and with no problems at all.

Take a look at what's on my mind for 2020!

So, you like how's 2020 looking?
I'll tell you what. Share your ideas and what you want to see. All this is subject to change!


  1. Esta es una excelente mejora para este año, me gusta ver como este blog progresa

    1. Gracias! es el resultado del gran apoyo y buenas vibras que recibo y de tener un poco mas de tiempo libre... Y bueno, la presion de Patreon ayuda un poquito ;)

  2. Hark! The ending of of Corruption of Champions is nigh!? Woe and elation to all!

    1. Thou shall naught take the news so gaily!
      (I hope my ancient eglish knowledge is not misunderstood)

    2. I think I understood you. Seriously though, I'm excited that the ending is coming, and endings are very important. It's just a little sad to say goodbye. I'm sure, however, you'll make the endings, all of them, something everyone is going to love. Yea Verily!

  3. Some inspiration...
    My favorite fiction story of all times is "An Unusual Date" by "slide". You can read it at Tgstorytime. It would be awesome if you made a comic out of that story. I think it really matches your style of comic, like the remote story.

    1. Thanks for the tip! I'm going to check it out

  4. I would love to be able to commission work from you.
    The plans look good, I'm curious about that top secret event

    1. And you just might be able to! It's going to be something new for me to work on request and outside my complete control

  5. If you ever have trouble with the web coding stuff just ask, I'm sure I'm not the only one who would love to assist you or do it for cheap.

    1. thanks for the offer. I'll post an open request when I decide to go for it.

  6. Hello there Vip... I follow you for a long time, and I'm fan! I don't know your line of work, but I'm a (web/app/whatever)developer, and if you need, I can give a hand for you... Let me know if you are interested...

    1. Great! When I'm going for a change I'll post an open request

  7. hey vip :D its been awhile but resident ass lover here, merry christmas, happy new year and hope you and anyone else who reads this has a great day :) i look forward to the vipcomics sequel since it appears to be the one i requested for :O although ALL of the vipcomics have been great and could all have great sequels :) everything else looks great too and i sincerely hope for a full bimbo coc ending :) good luck

    and heres my thoughts on the christmas comic: i love your world building in lots of these and hope the "vip tech" brand comes around more often, it'd be cool if some of these took place in the same universe. this whole comic had good characters + dialogue and it was pretty wholesome AND funny in the first half, even after that the tfs were really good and a happy surprise for us that like implants and bimbos ;) would be interesting to see her go back in the pod for round 3. excellent comic, thanks again.
    -resident ass lover

    1. Long time no see! A third time? woah, that could be a mutibreasted freak of unheard porportions with telekinesis abilities... don't make me get ahead of myself!
      Nice of you to notice how the "vipcomicsverse" is loosely connected.

      PS, you had a couple of big round butts lately to enjoy, right?

  8. Any chance that week of the witch is one of the planned new comics?

  9. Possible commissions? Color me interested!

    Multiple Endings to the Corruption of Champions Story? Sounds fantastic!

    New VipComics Sequel Edition? Woo!

  10. You doing wonderful work! Good luck!

    1. Thanks! I can feel the pressure also becoming bigger, so far I enjoy it!

  11. Hola vengo despues de 2 meses! Eso de tener mas tiempo libre me suena a current crisis en argentina. Una lastima si es por eso sino que bueno que sigas con esto! Asi que van a ver varios endings? Que buena onda ver varios endings de CoC ya tantos capitulos y apenas llegamos a la fabrica imaginate capito 178 para llegar a lethoce jajaj asi que hay plan para nuevas historias? No puedo imaginar que cosas mas enfermas estaras inventando jaja exitos este 2020

    1. Argentina es sinonimo de crisis. Cada 5 años te empobrece brutalmente. Espero me puedan reubicar en un año o dos cuando se termine mi contrato.

      Si, varios finales! Y quizas hasta un spinoff
