First 2015 Comic: VipComics #4!
Just like last year, we're opening the 2015 Comics with a VipComics Release! The fourth in the series. I can't believe I've made 4 already... And to think it was just an experiment...
Spaking of experiments, this release features 2 big different things from previous ones: unlike previous issues, the TG involved is not so weird or fetish/experimental. And, I've paid attention to feedback and tried to add some elements that were asked for.
I hope you'll love it, I have real fun making it. Grab it here:
4Shared mirror
You can open the files with WinRar, 7-Zip or any comic viewer
Oh... You also want a longer comic? I have one half cooked...
I know You've been waiting. You know I've been busy. But hey, you can't complain about February! Lots of captions and a Comic!
There's a lot of shit going on. Specially rearding Google's content policy, menacing to close all erotic/porn blogs. We dodged a bullet! so far they are not making changes... So far.
It's very likely that I'll be forced to migrate to Wordpress like many other blogs already started to do... I will explain more in a future post.
Another thing: a LOT of requests for Jinkxed 2.
Bear in mind I have other things started, halfway or close to be done, and J2 requires HEAVY scripting and HEAVY hours of rendering. So far, not even a script is done, maybe a couple of general ideas.
I think I might do a post with a poll regarding J2. So far no work is done.
So, back to VipComics #4... Did you liked it???
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