Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Happy Birthday Stormfries!

This is a special post I've decided to make for someone who's been, as far as I remember, since the very day the Blog started... And maybe from the Yahoo! Groups (but we don't talk about those times)

If you've been around here long enough, you'll probably read some of his comments. He always leaves feedback, even when the content it's not his cup of tea, and always returns to check out whats new. 

Let me put it this way: theres no one, NO ONE I know that has even a sligthly similar level of love and passion for TG Fantasy as Stormfries. I mean, its something to admire to love something as much as he loves TG in I believe almost all forms.

He even started his own interview where he interviewed great artists, and even was kind enough to offer me a spot amongst them (but... I can't find the link to the interview!)

From time to time I like to give something back to the community. And since you've given so much support and time, this little caption was the least I could do. As I recall, you like bimbos, right? Then this is my present for you... Take a look at your new self!


Happy Birthday!! Thanks for al lthis years of support

23 TG Comments (leave yours!):

Saturday, October 10, 2020

CoC #28 Preview!

Hello my friends! You though I've forgotten about you? Never! I've just been insanely busy doing double shifts. I have so much to catch up with! Comments, questions, messages... I'll be answering all I can the following days.

I know, I know. Quarantine, lockdown, commisions, work troubles, Halloween coming, because of this absolute asshole of a year we're enduring... Everything added up to big delays in CoC.

But No way I'm spending another day without giving anything for you who've always understand and support me!

Here it is... the preview of Chapter 28! Over 30 pages, this chapter is shaping up as a big one! Get it from the following links:




 And as promised: the .PDF Version!

(image quality is lower, couldn't find a way to fix it. I'ts still a beta feature for me!)


Ah, the farm... so much fun I have planned for that place... We'll see how it turns out!


In other news...

Halloween comic, as many of you know, will feature the Evil Pumpking Demon Lady! At this point it is uncertaing if I'll have time to make a full VipComics, but at least she's getting her own sequel!

Also, I want to thank all of you who've been asking for commisioned work, but I have no time until at least November, I'm honored you ask and excited by most request, but no way I'm charging for work that may take ages to be done since I fully dedicate to each commision.

Hope you enjoyed it! Any feedback is highly appreciated. And, any ideas you want to share... Just leave a comment! Ask away!

45 TG Comments (leave yours!):