Friday, March 29, 2019

Bye bye March

Hello Everyone! What's up? Having big plans for the weekend?

It's been 20 days since the last post - I've been a bit busy traveling as usual, but from what I read, you enjoyed CoC #22 a lot, and that's great!

That in fact, makes me happy.
and since I'm happy, I'm gonna post a caption that involves 2 of the most fan favorite themes: bimbos and Master-PC!


I hope you liked it! have a great weekend everyone, and see you soon!

12 TG Comments (leave yours!):

Friday, March 8, 2019

Corruption of the Champion - Part 22!

Hello and Happy weekend everyone! How are we doing tonight?
You've been expecting this one? Well rejoice because CoC #23 has arrived! And it's a little different chapter than the previous ones...
To start, it's the beginning of he end of Martin's quest: he's out exploring again! New foes to fight and, more importantly... The beginning of Martin's change of mentality: his ordeals left a toll on his mind, his corruption is becoming more noticeable and his way of thinking and seeing things has adapted to his situation and environment. No more the naive Champion that almost ended up as a blonde bimbo forever: Now, Martin has decided to take more control of the situation.
You'll see more of it in the next chapters. Consider this one as a starting point.

 So as usual, let's quickly remember how we left him the last time we saw him:

Wanna see how he'll end up this time? Get CoC #23 here:


I hope you enjoyed it! Please leave a comment and share your thoughts. As always ideas, questions and suggestions for the future are always welcome!

71 TG Comments (leave yours!):

Saturday, March 2, 2019

WoTW... Bonus day!

Hey everyone! How's the weekend coming?
Sadly I come with bad and good news...

The bad one? It's time to put an end to the WoTW series.

The good one? Yes, I added an extra day, a bonus caption in 2 versions!

So, pick the one that you see yorself being transformed into, and enjoy!

Just to be curious... Did you pick the 1st or the 2nd caption?

And that's it for WoTW!

Do you had a good time? Tell me! I know I did, and it was very funny to imagine a week under a crazy girlfriend's moods following the 7 (actually, 8) most voted fetish and not whatever I can think of.

See you next weekend with... CoC #23!

22 TG Comments (leave yours!):