Friday, August 24, 2018

Corruption of the Champion - Part 19!

Ha! Yes, as I promised! You did not believed me when I said this one, this overhyped chapter of the story will be ready before September? Well guess what... It is!

Oh, the hype on this one! Bimbo Liqueur was requested since day one and how many of you lost all hope of ever seeing it in action?  But wait... What if I'm trolling you, and going to the bar was all a dream? Am I that mean spirited?

Oh, what a tricky chapter. So much to consider... Transformation short, or long? Detailed, or just a general burst of bimbotization?  What first, what later? Enjoyable, painful or just confusing? How much of the Champion's mind shall be erased or dumbed down? Whore, or just unable to resist her gargantuan arousal? How should I morph this new body.... And when should I stop?

I can tell you: I really felt some pressure to make it good. I feel I can miss a lot of things, jump the shark many times, but not in this chapter. Not this time. I hope the 58 pages of this chapter will please you!
Also, since many complained about the cliffhangers, I decided not to put one in this chapter. It wasn't necessary, you all know it's not ending here!

I really, really hope you love it.
But, of course, first let's see how we left the Champion last time:

Ok, I won't keep you waiting any longer. Here are the download links:


Ok, it's eating me. I lied. It's not the entire chapter, actually, its 85% of the chapter... I had to chop it because I'm going away for a month, and moving to a new house at my return, and since I return I wish to try to make the last part of "The Costume" comic for Halloween and have very little time I'll need every hour I can get.

But don't worry, I make sure nothing is left unfinished, in fact, I think the last pages were a bit redundant. The good news is that part 20 will be released faster!

So, big chapter, big expectations, big decicions, so the most important question of all is:
Did you liked it? Did you hated it? It was close to what you expected or desired?
 Share your thoughts, give me some feedback!
And thanks for your amazing support!!!! Enjoy!

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Saturday, August 18, 2018

CoC... Captions?

Hello everyone! This is a bit of a rushed post, but still a special one. (Captions are at the bottom, if you don't care about reading)

You probably know Fenoxo - creator of Corruption of Champions, T.i.T.S. and many other great stuff?
Well this week, one of you left a comment telling me about a caption contest in his blog, and since I'm kinda very focused on CoC, and hey... I put "captions" on my name, I thought I should participate.

You can check the forum thread with all the submitted captions HERE. There are already several very good submissions and great artwork involved.

This was a little tricky for me: I like to work with real pictures, not with Renders or drawings on my captions, so I did not felt particularly comfortable working on them, but, since I have like a shitload of drafts and test renders in my CoC folder, some of them could do the trick.

In fact, waaaay back in time I made a couple of captions using renders (check it HERE) and I think after those 2 caps, I never used a render again for a caption.

Also, since there's a bit of money involved, I did not wanted to use other artists's work (Adjatha's, Kannel's or ImmortalTom's works would be great!) for my own captions... It felt... Dirty?

But I'll let you judge if they are a fail or a win, enjoy them!


Now, for some general news:

- I'm going as fast as I can with CoC #19. IT WILL BE READY IN 7-12 DAYS.

- September is a special month... It is my CoC's comic 2nd anniversary (holy shit 2 years?!) and also... There's another big, special anniversary happening. I'll let you to guess what it could be.

But.... I won't have time at all!!
I have to travel for 3 weeks and then, I'm moving to a new apartment on my return, so I have no idea if I will be able to work on VipCaptions stuff at all! Then, there's the Halloween comic "The Costume" conclusion (yes, in danger of not being finished this year), and at least 2 more CoC chapters before christmas...

So little time. I need a Delorean.

See you in a few days! And as usual...
You liked them? You have anything to share or ask? Tell me! Thanks for the comments and support!

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Friday, August 10, 2018

The New-U part 2 Quiz: results, mini-captions, silly stats, etc.

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