Captions return! From young to adult to milf
Hey! What's up? Having a nice saturday, or returning from a nice one?
Same here!
But I was not going to go to bed without leaving something here for you to enjoy. I know captions are becoming rare, and you made a lot of request - naturally I cannot please them all, but probably I'll start adding more of what you requested (like preggos, always on demand) on the next captions post.
But enough talking! Today I leave you 3 captions, because a lot of you like Milfs and a lot of you do not: so what about 1 caption representing each age progression?
Take your pick!
Of course, thanks a lor for the support on CoC! I know I leave you a lot of time waiting.
I'm going on schedule with the next chapter, so maybe a couple of weeks and it'll be ready. Of course, I did it again: it's not gonna be 20 pages long. I estimate it'll be around 60!
See you soon!
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