Saturday, September 21, 2019

CoC #26: XXL Anniversary Edition!

Ooof! So many problems slowing the development of this chapter! But guess what? As always, you get something in return for your patience!

 Will it pay off? I certainly hope so!

Because this is no regular chapter... Oh no, this is the Anniversary Edition! It can also be considered a standalone chapter, something like a super bonus chapter.

But why is that? What makes this chapter different? First of, it's fucking 78 pages long, and if that wasn't enough, I took into consideration a lot of the feedback you provided me in order to make this chapter... So a lot of things you suggested via comments or Patreon polls and messages are being featured in this chapter!

But before we get into it, how we left our fearless Champion the last time?
Oh yeah. No more sissy Martin. New armor and cursed sword, and his/her fighting skills back... This is gonna get bloody I promise!

And how you liked the special Anniversary logo? Shall I keep it, or return to the old one?

I dunno. I kinda like the way it turned out. Here's a solo pic if you liked it too.

I forgot the fucking piercing AGAIN!
Wow, you made it! You reached the download links!




I hope you really like it, I'm really looking forward for your feedback!
And I hope you share your thoughts and ideas too!

Thanks for stopping by and for all the support!

139 TG Comments (leave yours!):

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Happy, happy, like, oh-ma-gawd so happy Bimbo captions

Countdown for CoC#26 has started! And guess what? Patreons get a couple of preview images, so if you're one, go check it out on the Patreon Blog!

But we're not here tonight to talk about the upcoming CoC...
We're here to enjoy some Captions in the meantime! And how about we use a subject I've used very little lately? Yes, miswishes, Master-PC and of course the mandatory bimbo caption!


You liked them? Captions about what should I do next time? Have any ideas or questions?
Tell me, leave a comment!

See you next weekend, have an awesome week!

27 TG Comments (leave yours!):

Friday, September 6, 2019

CoC #26: Special 3rd Anniversary Edition teaser (+ captions!)

Oh, after the unwanted delay with the broken pipework, It's almost ready!
I'm so mad at the bad luck I've been having... I wanted this chapter to be ready a couple of weeks ago! You know why? This is going to be a very special, different chapter...

But before we go further, there's something that goes first of all...

I'm affraid to imagine what would look like the 4th anniversary one
 And who would've said it? 3rd anniversary! I honestly never expected it to become so huge, and there's only 3 chapters left after this one! (Ok, maybe 4)

So, About the next chapter...
Next chapter will be a bit of a standalone chapter. It could be even considered almost as a new comic in the CoC universe!

And it's gonna be BIG. I'm talking around 70/80 pages long, and a lot of things are going to happen in just one chapter!

One thing is for sure: our Champion's biggest, most dangerous challenge is about to start.

He is here. 

He is...
Ohhh, the mistery!!!!
Ha, who am I fooling? Most of you know exactly who's paying a visit to our little comic after the post-credits scene in the last chapter.

I'm really looking forward to finish it and share it, and hearing your feedback. Ah, the wait, so cruel...
In any case, maybe I should just do like our "misterious" newcomer and enjoy a nice relaxing bath with something to drink... Now, where did I saw a scene like that before?

For the few of you who still have no idea who the "big suprise character" is... Surely now you know

Just remember, after CoC#26... THE COSTUME 3!
And last but not in any way least, the Captions!
You thought I would just leave a cuple or renders and leave you waiting empty handed for 1 or 2 weeks?
But of course you're not going to spend an entire weekend without something from me! There's always caption around the corner. So how about we enjoy some?

And as a little bonus, the "long hair girl" caption one of you has been asking me to do for the past few months - Just couldn't use the image you sent me, it was a bit too small and its ruined when I rescaled it. So I hope this one serves its purpose!

Well my friends, that is all. You have any questions, suggestions, feedback?

Oh, you have ideas for The Costume 3? Share them, the script is halfway done and open to suggestions!

I hope you enjoyed the captions, and I hope you're looking forward to the next chapter and for The Costume 3! See you in a week!

39 TG Comments (leave yours!):