Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Happy New Year!

My dear friends, how are you? Is it already 2025 in your country?

I am away on a flash trip to the beach for new year so I have nothing special prepared for you. But i'll de damned if I forget to send you all my best wishes!

However, I would like to take the opportunity to thank you, thank you so so so much for the lovely support and fun times we had this year (and many other years), even moreso considering this past year was quite rough for me and I did almost nothing for thalf of it. It was a year full of problems and tests, and I faild half of them but learned in the process. However I will neevr forget opening the blog comments nd Ptreon and find an incredible mount of support messages. You are an amazing group of people.

Whenever you are, whatever you are doing or plan to do, however you are, I send you a giant hug and my best wishes, I am so happy we have fun together and let's all hope for a 2025 that's better than you might expect

It sure feels weird to be doing this since... Never mind, it's a lot of time. But all this time was possible only because of your amazing feedback and support.

So raise your glass, or whatever you want to do! Cheers for an amazing 2025!!!

Now... Next year I have some plans.

Shall I give you an idea of what's in my mind?

- New captions mini series

- Finishing CoC

- The conclusion to The Costume for Halloween

- Return of the Easter comic

- Return of the Quizzes, but in a different format: AI powered chat with quiz outcome (experimenting so far, kind of hard to implement)

- X-Change returns. Maybe in more than just captions.

- A VipComics "Sequel edition" issue, where you will be voting what stories shall earn a sequel!

- Fast Forward part 2: maybe if it gets crowfunded (commissioner never paid for part 2)

- Other comics, captions, and sequences!

And much more! Remember: this are all plans. It is always likely that things change or I lack the time for half of them, after all, we make plans only to make the gods laugh I heard someone say.

so, once more, thanks for everything y friend. You always put a smile on my face. 


32 TG Comments (leave yours!):

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Merry Christmas, Happy holidays!



Merry Christmas!!! 

or whatever you celebrate, or don't, it does not matter: you will get a present from me anyway!

Ands the first Christmas miracle is here: I managed somehow to release the comic in time, and not next week as usual.

And what will be your Christmas present?

Well at this point is very obvious: a new Autocloset comic! After the original 3 Autocloset comics, a new issue has been asked a lot, so why not give you what you want right in time for Christmas?

Get it here:



I really hope you like it!

I hope you had a good night. And if you did not, maybe this little present will add a smile or some small joy. 

See you soon, and thanks for your support and for checking up!

15 TG Comments (leave yours!):

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

News: You will have your Christmas present!


It's time to start sensing that Christmas feel, that spirit of joy!

Small news update, my friends: This year, yet again, you will have a Christmas present! (*)

And don't worry if you have been naughty or nice: I know you have been naughty, we have all been, and here we reward being naughty!

Now, about the present... I can't tell you much about it, or it will spoil the surprise! But I can leave this image here, maybe you can figure out what's gonna be about?

So you guessed it? Then let's make it fun: only wrong answers allowed!

See you soon my friends, have a great week!

(*) As usual there is a chance the present will arrive after Christmas.

19 TG Comments (leave yours!):

Friday, December 13, 2024

Always necessary: captions with Big boobies!


Something is wrong here. Very wrong.

3 weeks, 3 posts in a row? This is unheard of! How dare I?

Don't get used to it ðŸ˜œ

Now, back to business, how are you doing? Thanks for checking in!

I separated the following themes for this round:

- Mental change / MindBreak

- A booby trapped PC protected by a password that you better not write wrong

- A nice MILF / Age progression with lactation

I hope you enjoyed them! Any favorite of the three?

Stay tuned: next week there is a little teaser regarding a surprise coming up.

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Friday, December 6, 2024

Your Weekend dose of captions is here

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