The Lil' Piggies - bonus batch of captions!
Happy Sunday my friends!
I wanted to have a new captions mini-series ready but I put it under revision. I am not sure I like it anymore.
So what am I going to do? Just give you nothing, leave you hanging? No way! I have something for you...
Remember last mini-series, The Lil' Piggies? A mini series POV-themed and all about punishment. It is about guys that were pigs in different ways, some little, others gigantic pigs, but pigs nonetheless. and as little pigs... They should pay the price and become little kinky pigs themselves, forced to start a new life as a girl, each one for a different period of time, and each life something drastic, different than what he once was.
Enjoy! For your viewing pleasure, 2 bullies getting what they deserve and a Milf to be!
See you next week have a wonderful Sunday a a great start of the week!
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