Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Help me help you!

Half October has passed by and I'm fighting my attention dissorder, yet I'm very positive about some good news:
- Next week might be a new poser comic uploaded
- The week after a long posposed caption pack (around 140 captions I think)

Yet, I happen to have the bad habbit of brainstorming whenever I'm bored, and my brain has overflown with ideas for poser comics. Sadly, I never think about the endings...
But the thing about ideas, is selecting how the story will be told. I mean, does the main character entered into a MAU, or touched a cursed stone?
I would love to know in wich way of getting TGed you like to see the most for my future stories!



ALSO, if you want to download this set of images you can grab them from HERE, in my 4shared folder

And thank you for the comments in previous posts!

28 TG Comments (leave yours!):