Saturday, August 17, 2013

Jinkxed: Round 6! ... Getting personal...

Yes! I made it! The sun is rising, I feel like a Zombie and my eyes hurt, but I made it on time! Yay! I have no idea what I'm writing, so forgive me if a paragraph doesn't make sense!
Fresh from the oven, just Zipped, almost no error checking!

Last couple of weeks the Blog has been on fire! 30, 40, 50 comments per post! Even a tiny teaser got lots of visits!
You can't imagine how happy I am. How glad I'm that you're liking it. You're awesome.

Two weeks passed by.
Why it took me so long? First, because of real life schedules.
Second... Because it's 85 pages long + Bonus Shit!

We left the guys even in the scoreboard... Roger facing a very dangerous I.Q. drop, and Brian moving his new fat ass  like a Pinup model.
If round 5 was were shit started to get serious, Round 6 is when things start to get personal!

So let's get on with it - Get it from HERE!
if link doesn't work go here:

I don't know if I can make Round 7 for next week. It looks like it's gonna be another long one, I'll have to edit it a little... But I'm giving my best anyway in order to keep the perfect score I'm having and thank the wonderful support.

Leave your thoughts or ideas!. Some of them, I'm seriously considering for next comics.

And the most important of all... Enjoy!


  1. First,

    Love the series, the wait for the next round just adds more suspense to it all like it would really be aired on television.

    So maybe you should format your next teaser like a small announcement during comercial breaks ;)

    1. Thanks!
      It's not a bad idea, specially if it's gonna take more than a week.

  2. There's a spot or two in it this time. Page 45, bottom right corner, for example.

    1. I just saw it, thanks!
      Sorry, some things went under my radar. Mainly because I was traveling and I worked at night in a small notebook screen.
      But it's still very clear what's happening, right?

  3. It was definitely an enjoyable round! I did notice a few name mix-ups here and there, but having been stressed by us for release, it's to be expected.

    I will definitely miss Brian's pouty expression, but this new development is neat. I'm assuming by the way things are going, that there are only a few more rounds left of this story.

    1. Thanks!
      About Brian or "Boobsie", I think happy stupid bimbo is better than sad angry bimbo...

      Specially if you know what's coming for him!

    2. Personally, I'd love to see "Boobsie" (if she even deserves that title anymore) get trapped in a bimbo personality, without actually being made to enjoy it.

      Defiance and humiliation always make these kind of stories that much better.

      Anxiously waiting next round.

  4. I can't download this episode :(
    Wrong url they said :(


  5. yea just says this on both links
    " The file link that you requested is not valid. "

    1. It worked fine for me.

      ^ Just copy and paste that into your address bar. Or highlight it, right click and "open"

    2. Thanks for helping him!
      I just checked the links, they're working fine.

  6. all I am able to download is a 12 second vidwhich just has VIpcaptions logo on a white screen. How can I find the correct download?


  7. That was grate. Can't weight for the next one. I'd love boobs to get a OTT valley girl voice on vocabulary to go with her super happy face, you know the kind 'Like OMG! That's like totally un-cool and stuff'. But from what I've seen so fare I'll love it regardless of what happens.

    BrewUp :o)

    1. OTT?
      I went to Google and it's Ottawa valley, is that correct?

      Bimbo talk will be included, like, Oh My God, of course silly!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Sorry OTT (Over The Top) as in six suitcases is a bit OTT for a weekend away. Not a local saying I guess.

      BrewUP :o)

    4. HA! I see.
      I was going to a ridiculously wrong conclusion thanks to Google!

    5. It's not every day Google drops the ball, they must be slipping. I don't know though, it would have been funny to see 'You will now live in Ottawa Valley' come up on the randomizer. Ha


  8. Nice rounds again. I can't wait for next round and newt set of upgrade.

  9. This round was great ! I'm really liking where Boobsie's going. I could really see her get some african racial change and a "ghetto speak" upgrade next round... Oh yeah <3

    1. Thanks!
      You avatar called my attention, who made it?

  10. after a little timejump in my TARDIS, i can say the next round is epic xD
    nice job Vip ^^

    1. No! you're not suppose to do that!

      Now I must ride my DeLorean and change it

  11. From your loyal fan.

    I think this comic need more shame and humilation - No, manly side do not give up so easily! Perhaps a catalyst of manly last cry will be parents and close friends of our heroes, they will be shown at close-up from the stands, and their eyes will plunges our heroes into the depths of the shame. It will be great if at this point our victims of transgender engineering will be engaged in perverted sexual acts, in front of millions of people. And then a woman's body totally destroys their minds turning them into dirty whores, nothing more. Relatives in shock, they can't believe their eyes.

    And I would add that you are the best. In your comics i can see fire, feel the enthusiasm and passion. And besides, you're a very hard worker. Thank you very much for your efforts, I love you, and sorry for my poor english, and my stupid ideas.

    1. Thanks, great feedback!

      1) Don't worry, there's still a couple of rounds more!
      2) My English can be horrible too - and I'm also very anxious, making me bad at typing too!
      3) Stupid ideas? But they are great! You're on the right track!

  12. "I don't know if I can make Round 7 for next week. It looks like it's gonna be another long one, I'll have to edit it a little..."

    So? We can wait. If anyone complains, fuck 'em. Take the time you need.

    1. Thanks!
      But I do want to finish Jinkxed and also give you what you want I have lots of other projects and captions that require my attention

  13. I think their changes are almost complete, maybe cosmetic to tiny... now you should focus in mind lose...

    1. You think there's nothing more waiting for them in the "Randomizer"? You sure?

  14. How about some nice piercings on them?
    Would love to see some!

    1. You'll have to wait and see what happens. Maybe you're in luck

  15. Yeah! i think the tattoo in the but could be like a tramp stamp...

    1. Let's be fair, Boobsie has a giant ass that says "BIMBO" in one cheek! Let's give Brian at least one round of peace!

  16. This is just too awesome, cant wait till next chapter, i would love to see boobsie with some piercings and tiny re-gaining his IQ level and see what he has become, and maybe a bonus point that lets one if them pick a modification for the other

    P.S. hablas español?

    1. Si, por supuesto, es mi lengua original.
      Me alegro que te haya gustado!
      Vas a encontrarte alguna que otra cosa más con respecto al habla y la inteligencia de los personajes en los proximos rounds...

    2. Oh que bien, tambien la mia, realmente no creo que haya forma de que no me guste y no puedo esperar para ver el siguiente round, tal vez boobsie gane una wildcard para que solo pueda hablar como actiz porno XD
      sigue el tan buen trabajo *w*

    3. Gracias! Veremos en unos dias como sigue el concurso...

  17. Hello, I'm Lorenzo from Italy ... I can not understand the meaning of "Bimbo"... Cosa vuol dire la parola" Bimbo"?


      Hope that helps.

    2. Bimbo:
      E 'una ragazza che è una slut, che ama mostrare il suo corpo e avere interventi chirurgici al fine di apparire più come una puttana, lei è veramente stupido e ama le auto veloci, oggetti appariscenti e shopping

  18. Vip maybe a bonus for randomizator type "x2" or "x3" that multiplies the effects of a slot or slot number xD just an idea

    1. It's a good idea, but the slots are all made and they have "+" or "-" to specify the amount of change

  19. "Tiny" suddenly discovers that breast does not allow her to wear any clothes and she must walk half-naked all rest of her life. TG + exhibitionism is so hot. It will be hotter if her breasts would be defiled by some dirty tattoo.

    1. I'm not so much into breasts tattoos, but I strongly agree with the rest of the comment!

  20. Your work has inspired me to get into creating my own brand of 3D comics/art with DAZ Studio. Do you have any good links to some free hair, clothes, props, and setting resources, that you wouldn't mind sharing?

    It would be greatly appreciated.

    1. Really? That's great! I'm flattered!
      Tell me when you have something to show, don't be shy!

      I get a lot of things from here:

      Also, I believe the DAZ Studio website has some free items for starters.
      Lots of people post poser freebies in their personal sites

      There are other sites and torrents that may have illegal copies, I cannot list them. DON'T DOWNLOAD PIRATED MATERIAL! I'm serious!

  21. hablas español perfecto... no tengo tanto dominio del ingles para explicar lo que queria explicar.

    podrias hacer una pueba donde apuesten lo que quieren ganar i si la ganan consiguen la suma de lo que tienen mas lo del otro amas de lo que tienen. (tina podria haver apostado los pechos asi al ganar sumaria lo que tenia mas el tamaño de la otra) en todo caso la que pierda perderia lo que apostara en vez de ganarlo( esto se diria despues de la prueba, asi bobsie podria perder inteligencia)

    no se solo era una idea que tenia... perdon si es una estupidez i por escribir mal

    1. Ninguna idea es estupida! Estúpido es no hacer el intento!
      Yo me sentí bastante estúpido haciendo Omega Planet, Bites, VipComics, y alguna que otra cosa más que no ha sido publicada aún...

      Entiendo lo que quieres decir, pero sería una situación completamente descontrolada para mi gusto por lo menos.

      Quizas, Sería mas factible hacer que apuesten lo que le pasará al otro, y si pierden reciben como multa parte de los cambios que querían hacerle a su rival?

    2. esa es la mejor idea que he oido, recibir parte de su propia medicina :D

  22. I'd love some tats in tiny boobs, maybe heart shaped nipples, or something like "pinch & twist" in one and "bite & suck" on another

    you are fantastic

    1. Thanks! Who knows? There's still a couple of rounds more...
      2 requests for Boob tattoos in the comments, I'd remember that for future comics and captions

  23. I loved the newest chapter, I was wondering if I could add my idea as well. What if "boobsie got a vocabulary adjustment just like tiny got one (the no swearing) but instead she was force to talk super dirty and sexy

    1. It may be some changes into Boobsie talk, it may not. The script of Jinkxed and the images are all done!
      Wait and see!

  24. I love your work it truly is amazing, amybe you can add a randomizer where ones called like Mothers Love and have one become pregnant!!!


    You ROCK

    1. Pregnancy?
      You want pregnancy?
      ha ha ha... I'm not telling!

  25. Just some ideas for future, maybe it will be useful. This is the story of an unhappy young family. During the financial crisis her husband lost his job, start a lot of drinking, he stopped to appreciate her, stopped supporting her, forgot about his marital duty, God damn alcoholic can't understand how it is difficult to be a woman, call his wife a "whore" for him was ordinarily. She decided to teach him a lesson - by the black magic she changed his sex. Oh eah, sweet revenge. To understand how how difficult to be a woman you need to become a woman, to further revenge she cursed him with a spell, allowing to wear only tight, slutty clothes. He realizes what it is when everybody wants only sex with you. He falls at the bottom of this world, begins to sell his woman body, to appear in porn films and soon all the world knows her slutty face. When all becomes unbearable... he wakes up. It was just a nightmare, just dream. In the morning he stops drinking, finds work, gets up in front of his wife on one knee and gives her flowers and asks her for forgiveness for everything. Lesson learned, his wife evil smiling, in her room lying a videotape on the cover of which depicts her husband in a female guise, naked surrounded by black penises. It was not a dream, but he never but he would never know about it. The end.

    1. It's a good story!
      I'll consider it. Maybe I'll cancel one of the other comics under development if I like the idea that much

  26. "one will walk out with a partially or fully new body and 3 million in cash to start his new life!"i'm Lorenzo from Italy, this phrase was written on page 10 in the first round, the winner stays with 3 million and remains changed. But what happens to the loser?

    1. Ciao Lorenzo!
      The looser goes home... with nothing! And must live his life the way he ends up the game!

      Il perdente va a casa ... con niente! E deve vivere la sua vita nel modo in cui finisce il gioco!

    2. wow, that's cool this game, I want to participate too! So "Bimbo" is a term that is used to attractive women and stupid.They offered them to participate? or were forced? So they did not know what could happen?I'm asking too many questions, but I just try to understand the story ... I have to learn English to better understand!

    3. Essi non 'sanno che cambieranno i loro corpi nel gioco, hanno solo pensato che stavano giocando stupidi giochi per soldi!

  27. You're doing great!!!
    Will you make Boobsie a barefoot bimbo? I hope not, 5" sexy high heels look much better on them.
    More facial feminization and shorter height would look better for Boobsie.
    Looking forward to the next round, thanks!

    1. I can tell you that Boobsie ain't getting shorter.
      I like Amazon-like tall girls, tiny is there to please those who love short girls!

  28. Hello? I've been following your series for some time and I'm loving it. ^ ^ Keep it up. However just an idea ... uteri and pussy quasse them still not suffer any changes that might be something to think about? XD

    1. Hi!
      Please be more specific - I'm not used to the word Quasse.
      I guess, you're speaking about pregnancy?

    2. Actually I mean to do with that pussy "them" become more swollen and more sensitive.
      However already giving me freedom, since our competitors are feeling the skin as being a woman why not make both can give milk from her breasts, however production will be able to orgasm is connected, ie the more intense this senção more milk faram, it can even be used in a competition in a round, however to be fair I think "Boobise" would have to have her breasts a little larger.

      And besides the more since they are already on their way to become whores why not make the semen for they are like a very pleasurable and addictive drug so they would be required even after the show's end whoring for comsequir more semen.

      However the idea of ​​pregnancy was not bad for who does not make the loser of the show have to live on a farm and enjoying lambing slaves for life is also like the choice vencendora opitar will be able to stay with the prize or go to this farm living and enjoying the rest of your life.

      Well that and just a pesamento and I'm very grateful for their work and support of heart because this is the way I hope is anxious for the next work of this series and that my comet may have helped or given one or two ideas as to who is getting otimo even better.

      Ps. My Google translator English and speak only as Portuques in Brazil....

  29. What program do you use to model all this stuff? Maya? 3D studio? Do you do all the modeling yourself? :)

    I'm really impressed with the detail from the first comic to this one, super amazing!

    1. I use DAZ Studio - It's a free clone of Poser.

      I do not make the 3D models myself, I do some minor changes with some d-formers, mix two or more models into one, and tweak their parameters as far as the program allows me.
      Also, I use Photoshop to correct weird or rough results.

      What I do is a lot of the textures applied to them.

      Thanks! Omega Planet really hurts my eyes now...

  30. Hi,
    I really enjoy this story ( i hope it never ends) and may you have inspirarion ( something similiar with ur story)
    P.s sry for bad english

    1. Thanks!
      No Problem, I understand what you mean!

  31. Out of curiosity, where do you get your adult props? I'm having a very hard time finding decent resources for that area.

    1. Male Genitals came with DAZ Studio
      Some other props I got from Sharecg and other by looking around fansites or 3d artist sites.

      I also bought a couple from renderotica, too.

    2. Hmm, guess I'll just have to shell out a few $$ eh? I see some premium hairs and such I enjoy. Thanks for your help a bunch!

      If you happen to come across any neat discoveries, feel free to contact me via email:

    3. Also, is there still a decent chance we'll see chapter 7 this week? Your cliffhangers are some of the best I've ever been hit with.

  32. Can you tell us about some of your upcoming projects?

    An idea: Perhaps a new story using the same technology that is in Jinkxed. Maybe a new game show where the contestants, unknown to them, have to choose from the most attractive attributes to win, to become sexy models.

    Another idea: with the popularity of Jinkxed and the modified Bimbo machine, so many requests are being received, the company cannot keep up with demand.
    The news headlines read, "Vipsintech expands to unknown locations to avoid legal liabilities, company stock skyrockets!"
    Example: A best friend or family, or ex-wife, pays the company in some unknown country. Men win a vacation and chance for modifications, instead of muscles, beautiful sexy women are created, and once it starts, it cannot be reversed. Ops! :)

    If you like my ideas, please allow me more creative input, thanks!

    1. Good ideas!
      And all ideas are welcome. I always try to use them and give credit to you guys!

  33. Perdona habría alguna posibilidad que lo puedas poner en español ya que hay algunas cosas que me cuesta entender del ingles

    1. Hola Daniel!
      Ufff, todo Jinkxed completo?
      No, lo lamento, pero con alguno mas corto sí podría hacerlo. No tienes idea de lo agotador y la cantidad de tiempo que demanda ordenar cada viñeta, cada globo de voz...


    2. ok no pasa nada gracias de todos modos ansio con ganas la siguiente ronda

  34. Tiny is adorable! I hope when Boobsie gets dumber, she'll start to become nicer.

    Also TinyxJoe 4ever

    1. Ha!
      Boobsie is turning into a bitch, I know, but remember he's still smart enough to see they're laughing at him.

      Tiny and Joe seems to be getting along well, right?

  35. The two sluts are turning and this is very cool! However I thought it would be posivel make them give milk podesem put the stronger orgasm more they perfor milk. Dai could have a competition where they could control a machine that would increase the pleasure of themselves to win, even if they themselves aumentase permanetimente their sensitivity to their own bodies for it.
    XD lol

    1. Don't worry, sooner or later there will be milk

  36. This is by far your best.
    This is epic!
    Cannot wait for more!
    Can we expect some lactation or skin color change?

    I hope boobsie/Brian wins!

    1. Thanks! I'm glad you like it!
      You can expect a lot...

  37. Fantastic work. Really hoping you introduced the race change modifier to follow through on it :>

  38. Hi guys.

    I write anonymously to warn you that the show Jinkxed producer VipCaptions is probably a trap.
    Readers unknowingly to access the round 8 or 9, you'll actually click on a link in the randomizer !!!
    Buddy Joe behind the door of your room, will kidnap you and make you the third candidate.

    Or not. :D


    Ooops just anonymous. O:)

    VipCaptions: This is a small joke. :p
    Your erotic comic is funny, it gives a good lesson to some machoman who laugh a little too sexy girls.
    But not my boyfriend, please. It might take my high heels. :D

    1. Seriously? Is that what happens?

      P.S.: No, it won't make him wear high heels... But makeup and a tiny pink thong might be

    2. Please, you must not yell at me. You win, I will obey.

      Here is the link. :

      Ps: lol VipCaptions with your idea, my boyfriend will no longer want to come to your site. At least, I would be less jealous he is seduced by one of your two sexy bimbo. :D

      I think there is a great atmosphere here. Your idea to include some phantasm fans of your story is a good thing. ^_^
      Have fun.

      PS2: You loved my trap? I hope I have trapped a lot of guys (Ooops, they could hear me). :D

    3. Well I read your comment before going to the link and I was expecting the trap, but still I laugh with it!

      About your boyfriend and jealousy problems you have two choices:
      1- I can rent you Tiny, you can pay her with candy and tell her they're magical and more valuable than money. She'll believe it.
      2- You can send him for a "trial" in the B.I.M.B.O. machine... But be aware, no refunds made!

    4. It would take time I stop talking especially when I do not speak French. :D
      I'm sorry because I did not understand the two options to solve my jealousy.

      I categorically refuse the choice one because I do not want my boyfriend gives Tiny candy in my house. In addition, I do not like lying. -_-

      In choosing two, I did not understand was "him"?
      I must admit that the B.I.M.B.O. machine is revolutionary for cosmetic surgery. You wait five minutes and the doctor makes you a perfect body without fatigue. A thin waist without dieting and neither facility. No woman can resist.
      For cons, I rather wary of randomizer console that makes both jokes, fortunately not serious.
      Please, so we just did a little test for a slimmer waist and a cup size for breasts after we can stop, I'd be a perfect woman and you all fall at my feet. :D

      While I think I have something important but I always forget to talk about shoes Tiny.
      Why do you speak of pain in high heel shoe in the randomizer?
      Simply put a 3 cm platform at the front of the shoe, it is very important when you walk, it absorbs shocks on the soles of feet. As a bonus, you can also have a heel 3 cm higher. Tiny will be a little less. ^ _ ^
      Of high-heeled shoes as comfortable as footwear.

      It is always easier to explain with a picture. Here is an example of a fashionable style and realistic Tiny.

      You'll also be able to access full model shoes, dresses, tops. 100% glamorous.
      This is my favorite online shopping site. Photos and models you could probably make your head spin. :P
      I hope it makes you happy and help you in your work to draw.

  39. hi, i like comics jinkxed very much. upto now thank you for your great work.
    make a rounds like wearing dress in stage and ramp like model, each contestant mush wear 5 to 6 dresses in particular time period. if they fail penalty of how many balance dress is their, scroll in screen. changes as your wish. after complete some rounds make our contestant appear in front of family members, they scold them, and their mother make him or her wear some jewels for party and boobsie or tiny mother or sisters select the evening party gowns for them.

    dear author plz make this plot in your comics. it my request to you plz........

    1. It's not a bad idea, but that won't happen in Jinkxed!

  40. A very nasty, perverted idea:
    Why no one has told about a cheating? For example: we know that Boobse is pretty smart, and to get more orgasms she secretly put some sort of large object herself in the ass.

  41. I think boobsie should get more amazon traits... athletic build, bigger boobs, even taller, ect... Maybe she over powers the host and sticks him in the bimbo machine...

    1. I won't spoil what's coming for her, but the host will not get his lesson this time...

  42. wow ya van mas de 100 comentarios, eso demuestra que este comic esta cada vez mejor y mas adictivo

  43. Loved this round, especially the end with Tiny.

    When can we expect the next one?

    1. Let's see if I can finish it tonight.
      If I can't, it'll be next week alongside Round 8

  44. cuando sale la siguiente ronda??

    1. Vamos a ver si la termino hoy a la noche, O si sale la semana que viene junto con la ronda 8

  45. si yo también la espero con ansias espero que esa tan emocionante como los otros que as echo

    1. Gracias!
      Creo que lo mejor está por venir

  46. una ronda por semana yo creo q estaria bien asi nos quitas el monazo

    1. Es la idea, pero a veces no es posible por culpa de tener que ocuparme de la vida real! Que molesta que es, no?

    2. hombre si se pone por dalante la vida real sera mejor hacerla caso

  47. I just love your work! Keep going, it's so exciting!

  48. Great work, keep working hard!

  49. looking forward towards the next part. keep up the good work!

  50. Out of curiosity I love the story btw, but how many rounds are there??
    A fan

  51. Hola, saludos desde México, no sabes como espero el capitulo 7! Me has dejado clavado con la historia! Por curiosidad, cuantos capítulos vas a hacer?, harás un segundo programa con nuevos participantes? Y lo mas importante crees sacar hoy el capitulo 7? Jaja saludos :)

    1. Hola!
      Estoy muerto, no pude dedicarme como quisiera en la semana así que no creo que logre sacar otro capítulo este fin de semana.
      Cuantos capítulos hay? Ja! Es secreto!
      Y un jinkxed 2 es posible, quizas para fines de este año o el año que viene aunque estoy avanzando a la vez con otros proyectos.

    2. No fap hasta el capitulo 7! Jaaja saludos!

    3. JA! PEro tampoco es como para estar haciendo sacrificios inhumanos!

  52. wow, stai diventando famoso in tutto il mondo!!!Ti scrivono da tutte le parti. Quando faranno il film su Jinkxed? "Jinkxed the movie"...

    1. Grazie!
      Il film uscirà se Megan Fox e Denise Richards accettato un ruolo nel film

  53. Just gotta say how much I love how Brian still has his intelligence and yet is slowly being trapped behind a Bimbo mask. Also just curiouse if chapter 7 will be released tonight or next week. Either way, keep up the fantastic work

    1. Thanks!
      Ch. 7 it'll be ready by next week, probably alongside chapter 8

  54. When is the next round going to be up? I can't wait to see more!

    1. Show some respect, be patient. I am ready to wait forever, she gave me a sense of life - new round of Jinkxed, lol. Without VIP, in my life there was no sense. Sorry for broken english.

    2. Sorry! You'll have to wait another week

  55. Veo que hablas español, de donde eres Vip?

    P.D: Ya espero el capitulo 7!

    1. Nací en Argentina
      EL capítulo 7 tendrás que esperarlo unos dias mas lamentablemente

  56. Love your comic VIP! I hope we see some more breast expansions. I also hope to see some lip expansions and some of the creative things you have in store for you victims. Can't wait for the next chapter!

  57. I would rather see a good outcome for Boobsie and Tiny, a nice life, accepting their situation/sex/gender. But, I respect your art/creativity, especially your time, work, thanks again vip!
    What language do you speak best? I can speak a little Spanish, but I cannot write it too good.

    1. Thanks a lot!
      Well... I'm not so into happy endings, but... We have two characters here, so you have 50% chance of something like that happening

      Write in the language you're more comfortable using, it doesn't matter if it's not too good as long as it's understandable.

  58. I honestly hope Boobsie ends up dumber than Tiny. Would be great if the smart one ended as the dumber girl.

    1. So, you're cheering for Boobsie I guess?

    2. Cheering for her to be the biggest bimbo!

  59. sorry when the next chapter ? thanks

  60. i think its next week..cant wait for it..

  61. Great stuff. I would like to see Tiny get some brains back, it seems like she's too slow to understand what's happened to her at this point. Can't wait for the next chapter, really looking forward to seeing what tortures await our future bimbos.

  62. This series is hot as heck, and thanks for busting your butt to get these updates done. :)

    1. Thanks! It's my pleasure, this is going so nice so far!

  63. No you don't say Vip.. You talk spanish? Where are you from? :D

    Just saw this series a couple of days ago and I'm really diggin this, probably I will read it again for the lols :)

    Hugs and Kisses Alectra

    1. I'm glad you like it that much Alectra!
      I was Born in Argentina, so Spanish is my native language

  64. When will this be on ehentai cause I can't download it :D


      I just checked the link and it's working fine.
      I believe Eddie76 already uploaded it to ehentai

  65. El viernes/sábado crees publicar el capitulo 7 & 8? Seria lo máximo.

  66. Tiny is so cute! Boobsie needs to be dumb so they can be stupid cuties together!

  67. today friday or Saturday?

    1. Doing my best to have it ready by friday night

  68. are you uploading?

  69. who is actually winning the game? and is it possibility to get normal again?
    Ps the tits of Timy are to bigggg!

    1. Ehm.. it says in the comic... It's 15-13 so far
      Yes it is possible to change back, like when Tiny got his breasts reduced.

  70. how many chapter has Jinkxed?

  71. Replies
    1. Can't say for sure. I'm not a scheduled machine, I depend on my free time

  72. wow .... with the next round exceed 200 comments ...

    1. Actually, half of them are my responses, but... Yes! So exciting!

  73. this is true, this night?

    1. No, today is Thursday for me. I said Friday or Saturday

  74. I want to apologize for all those impatient people. I am ashamed for them.

    1. Don't worry. I can live with it. I prefer to channel those comments into a positive meaning, let's say that they got anxious because what I'm doing has turned out very good.

  75. I can understand the above anonymous poster's anxiousness, but there comes a point where anxiousness turns to impatience and rudeness. Please just proceed as you wish. Taking the time to both find inspiration and write an entire series in a language which is not your mother language is a daunting and time consuming process, I'm sure. You have my respect for your continued service and focused vision.

    1. Well, thanks a lot! that's very mature and understanding from your part.
      Gives me bonus strength to finish it by tomorrow!
