Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Jinkxed Round 9: The road test!

Its' here!!!! After a couple of delays, It's finally done! Yay!

145 pages + Bonus Shit #3 awaits for you to enjoy!

What are the girls about to suffer? Scores are Boobsie 20 - Tiny 17, it's the 9th round, only one more round to go, and thing are surely gonna get more complicated for the girls!

This time the girls will be in a rampant race to win and secure the winning prize! They'll... Nah, check it out!

- Download links:

(If link isn't working: http://www.4shared.com/rar/pwEKulk7/VipCaptions_-_Jinkxed_Round_9.html )

There's been some debate over Boobsie's development.
Things will be cleared in the "Bonus Shit". But I stand with my choice, I love big made-to-suck lips, and the point of the game is ultimate humiliation. Imagine your life with that mouth? Imagine having to spent the prize in surgeries just to look like yourself again?
Also, I'm not a stubborn brick-head  I admit that the lips made the "happy face" disapear and I might rushed them a round.

Last but not least, Thanks for the wonderful, amazing support! It really cheers my week to have this strong feedback, and I'm having a great time too!


  1. Finally! An update. Keep up the good work

  2. download started, thank you. :)

  3. Brilliant.


  4. Downloading... How much sleep did you sacrifice for this?

    1. I arrived 3 hours later at work today.
      "just something I ate last night" was my excuse...

    2. well done sir you are a scholar and a gentleperson

  5. Visto y borrado del pc inmediatamente despues, es realmente de mal gusto lo que hiciste en esta ronda, la ultima ronda no me interesa lo mas minimo, me quedare con el recuerdo de las 6 primeras.

    1. Como gustes, lamento que no te haya resultado.
      Quizas un "gracias por el esfuerzo" habrĂ­a sido mejor...

  6. Dude, you work really hard... thanks for the dedication. we all appreciate it..

  7. What have you done to me? I hear how my heart is pounding, hands and knees are shaking, adrenaline rolls over. No one couldn't do this to me, till today. Awesome! Thank you for this moment of euphoria, and for these days the sweet expectation. You have made my life happier, thank you vip.

    1. Ok, thanks! You guys made my days a lot better too!

  8. That cat TF at the end was a pleasant surprise, I tought that you give her sensitive cat tongue or something like that but this was hilarious.

    Now I see who is youre favorite girl, becaue a creator tortures her favorite characer less, so I think that you prefer Tiny over Boobsie, I smell a winner.

    Ps.: I regret that you couldnt do that racial TF. but I think that you won't miss the chance in a future work.

    1. Hey... no spoilers!!!!
      So, are you really convinced that I prefer Tiny to win and realize what she looks like and continue her life, instead of Boobsie to win and realize in what se turned into? You are really convinced?

    2. Im 80% convinced that Tiny wins, but I could be surprised. Acording to youre previous works (whitch I really liked) there is the possibility that none of them wins, you are not famous from youre "happy endings"...hehehe

      Still, cant wait for round 10

  9. You have a real talent for these comics. I really like them, although I think the double breasts were a little too much, but otherwise it's excellent. You inspired me to downloaded DAZ and try to make a comics of my own, although it will take quite a while since I am a beginner. Keep up the great work and I wish you many more succesful comics like this one.

    1. Thanks, and good luck in your DAZ adventure! If you need help just ask.

  10. Boobsie can't lose, no one would ever leave a person like that in the world, she will have to pay to remove that kitty TF.

    I love the new chapter, i wouldn't have never expected something like that, good job!

  11. bel lavoro
    io amo tiny vorrei che fosse rale
    per me avrei preferito la trasformazione del bonus
    in gatto per me è un po esagerata
    aspetto il prossimo capitolo

    1. Sono contento che ti è piaciuto il fumetto, non c'era piĂ¹ "wild card", perchĂ© è diventato impossibile mantenere la storia.

  12. VIP I could kiss you right now. I love you, man. The wait was freakin' torture, but wow was it ever worth it! Loved the cat tf (total suprise, I didn't think there'd be actual animal transformations) and the extra tits and long prehensile tongue were the icing on a cake of delicious humiliation. The bonus stuff was awesome too and I'm disappointed the racial tf didn't work. But what did work IS amazing. It's just... No words... Should have sent a poet... Can't wait for the final chapter! I don't even care who wins anymore, I just want to find out what happens next!

    1. Thanks a lot!
      It was not my intention to make you wait that long, but it twice asregarding if you enjoyed it that much.
      And to think when I realized I couldn't make the skin change possible, I almos quit.

      I told you before... there was a couple of surprises in this comic!

  13. Wow nice realy nice, the wait was really worth it.

  14. Very nice new chapter.

    and the light Cat TF is fun....not really a fan of the eye thing, but it this is cool. though the tail looks a bit short and more dog like. *shrugs* that is my impression...

    I wonder what would happen, if she gets the cat change another time :)

    1. Yes, it's a dog tail - I don't have a cat tail. I have a pointy devil one, a short anf fluffy rabbit, a pointy cow-tail and this one.
      Another cat change? No way I'm putting 6 boobs and mustaches in her!

  15. Ciao vip, sono Lorenzo...come stai? hai fatto un bel lavoro. Che umiliazione per Brian. Manca ancora un round...e Boobsie cosa potrebbe diventare ancora? è già al limite?

    1. Ciao Lorenzo!
      Brian mai immaginato fine bene, giusto? Immaginate la sua espressione se vince e ritrova il suo vecchio intelletto ...

      Forse il Round 10 hanno un altro giro di randomizer ... o forse no ... aspetta!

    2. non riesco a capire? Cosa succede a chi vince? ritornano come prima?

    3. Il vincitore si aggiudicherĂ  3 milioni, si riprenderĂ  la loro intelligenza e la coscienza, ma il suo corpo sarĂ  cambiato. dovrebbe vivere la tua vita cercando di vivere con il suo nuovo corpo, ma con il suo ex intelligenza e personalitĂ .
      Il perdente è lasciata con il suo nuovo corpo e rimane un "bimbo"!

    4. Ho capito, allora tifo per Brian...

  16. Valio mas que por completo la espera, muchas gracias por tu dedicacion a nosotros, y lo siento porque hayas tenido que llegar tarde a tu trabajo. Simplemente amo esta ronda, ya hasta me acostumbre a los labios y quedan bien con su gatuno ser, que adoro, me gusta que ahora sea basicamente una mascota, es mas siendo un gato podria ser tan flexible para lamerse ella misma y la lengua ayuda. tambien me encanto como joe por fin pudo ponerle las manos a Tiny y ambas se veian tan sexy.
    Que bien que Boobsie haya sido la del IQ reducido asi cuando recupere su IQ real sera un impacto mayor, porque aun estoy seguro de apostar 5 casillas para que brian vea en que se convirtio y que no puede arreglar ni con todo el dinero del mundo y tal vez hasta se rompan sus lentes, y aun con su mente, viva siempre buscando penes; y tiny viva feliz y tonta con joe, Es mas... Doble o nada 10 casillas! XD

    1. jajaja, muchas gracias, me alegra saber que te haya encantado.
      10 casillas? Te veo muy seguro! Pero cuidado, porque Mike y Jay andan sueltos y quien sabe lo que desees y como quedes si te aplican los 10 cambios...

    2. Para mi mejor, con suerte y acabe como tiny, aunque con mi IQ y personalidad originial viendo como me convierto poco a poco

  17. Wow yo soy una chica y hasta ahora habia leido esto fantaseando en que seria una buena venganza contra algunos ex-novios, pero con el cambio a gato de brian ahora me gustaria ser yo la transformada... cuando puedo inscribirme como participante? y si solo participan hombres pues mi hermano tambien es un idiota (de hecho una vez si lo "feminice" si quieres te muestro las fotos)

    1. Bueno, eso es curioso... Me alegro que te haya gustado y tengas la mente abierta! hacen falta mas mujeres como tĂº en el mundo!
      Relamente le has hecho eso a tu hermano, con foto y todo? Mhm, te veo un futuro de dominatrix por ahi...

    2. awww me alagas, solo por eso te las mostrare, y espero algun dia ser tan sugoiosa como tu XD
      aqui cuando estaba dormido(bueno ebrio, no tiene el sueño tan pesado)http://i42.tinypic.com/2vbsj11.jpg
      y aqui cuando desperto (su expresion no tenia precio)http://i43.tinypic.com/2s9zsix.jpg
      si, use una de silicon, por cierto me llamo Andrea

    3. Andrea, si las fotos son reales te ahs tomado un trabajo increĂ­ble!
      Debe ser divertido poder jugar con el, extorsionarlo para que sea tu esclava o revelas las fotos a todos sus conocidos y familiares...

    4. oh gracias, y si es bastante divertido, una vez "la" lleve a un bar asi y estaba taan ebrio que casi acaba llendose con un sujeto porque le prometio mas cerveza XD, bueno esa vez ya tenia tambien pechos pero no saque fotos

  18. ... awesome... this has a ton of effort and thought put into it, thanks for all the hard work you've done

  19. Aunque no me gusta nada el cariz que tomĂ³ el comic desde la ronda 6 (cuando empezĂ³ la transformacion mas a lo bestia), he de reconocer que tu trabajo bien merece la pena, por todas las horas que has empleado.
    Me queda agradecerte que hagas esto de manera desinteresada.

    Seria interesante para ti, tener un botĂ³n de donar en paypal (por ejemplo), aunque claro, las donaciones igual te forzarian a trabajar mas duro cuando lo haces por gusto y placer.

    Por ultimo, una pregunta. ¿Es muy dificil para un principiante aprender a manejar el DAZ y hacer algo interesante? ¿Hay manuales?

    Gracias vip! You're a crack!

    1. Hola Jesus, gracias por tu comentario que realmente es muy objetivo. Espero que la conclusion sea de tu agrado, ya que los mĂ¡s radical ha pasado y sĂ³lo queda el desenlace (mas alguna sorpresita quizĂ¡s)

      No pondrĂ© Paypal por dos motivos: 1) tĂº lo has dicho, 2) muchas cosas que uso son prohibidas para uso comercial, me podrĂ­a meter en problemas

      Sabes una cosa? eres el 3º o 4º que me pregunta por DAZ Studio. Realmente me emociona haber inspirado a tanta gente! Es mas que un honor!
      DAZ Studio es realmente muy simple, hay toneladas de contenido gratuito y sobran tutoriales para DAZ en la web y en youtube, es un sistema que funciona bien en cualquier equipo.
      Hazme saber si comienzas algo!

  20. I liked it until the end now I just got weirded out.

  21. I'd also just like to say that I really appreciated the extras section and the racial change reveal. That was damn cool and while I wish you were able to pull it off (racial changes are awesome) the solution worked.

    Really shows that you put some serious effort into this. Well done and thanks again!


    1. Thanks a lot -Spurkules-, I did put a lot of me on it!

  22. Awesome job my friend, I thoroughly enjoyed this. I'm personally not a fan of furry transformations, but it didn't do anything negative to the story in my opinion. I read that you had a bunny tail up above, I would've totally loved a bunny-type crossover in place of the cat.

    It was a shame that Tiny didn't get anything fun this time around too, but I can see that there's really not much more you can do to her as a restricted TG. Hopefully there'll be at least a few more twists and turns with her in the finale.

    Definitely looking forward to this conclusion, and again I really appreciate your dedication as an author. As for the question about my comic in the other thread, I should have something coming your way relatively shortly.

    1. Thanks Tseudo!

      As for your comic, take your time, don' rush it, ask anything you need.

  23. Hola muchas gracias, quizas la ultima parte no me gusto del todo por 2 cosas la lengua y el doble pecho, las orejas y la cola me parecieron perfectas y mas si el recupera su intelecto, espero aun haya sorpresas con tiny que me encanta como quedo hasta ahora, espero el proximo con ansias, ya que es el final supongo tardaras mas, asi que a esperar y que sea un excelente final y muy sorprecibo, yo apuesto a que los dos recuperan su mente y deciden al final perderla xD GRACIAS, espero despues hagas otro cap de Jinkxed con otros personajes :D

    1. Gracias Angel!
      El round 10 tardarĂ¡ una semana y media aproximadamente.
      Lamento informarte que solo puede haber un ganador...

    2. Esperare, entonces espero gane tiny xD

  24. Hola de nuevo vip.
    Necesito algo de ayuda con el daz3d. ¿Podrias echarme una mano? ¿como podemos contactar? gracias.

    1. Pasame tu mail, y luego borro el comentario (cualquier cuenta que uses para correos basura)

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  25. If he wins after Brian would be able to go on as before! you have something in mind to make sure that he does not succeed?

    1. I won't spoil the fun. But there will be only one winner.

  26. Tiny looks hot hot with the new outfit and her hair:) I Hop now that she lose!
    Boobsie I hope that he wins! But that he decide to stay at a woman!
    Maybe on this point he is to stupid or he she don´t want leave his "best friend" Tiny or she has such a good time and alot of memorable sex that she don´t won´t lose it again, so that she make a deal that she will stay and work as assistentin in the show with Tiny, because now she and Tiny are now so much corrupt inside that they are big "bimos".
    So she just used the "20" point, to reset some of the Updates so that she is
    Human again and don´t needs the Glasses or the Duck face the and... but the super sensitive mouth stays and she give Tiny the rest of the updats and give her a little bit of her big body, and Tiny give her, as "best friends" a littel bit of her big Titis so that the girl looks almost normal and smart again, but now they want have sex!
    So that the "new boys" on the Show thinks, they are nice girls
    and have no idea what will happen to them:)
    I Think that is a good ending of your comic :)
    So you have a option, in the future to show us a new Show with new Boys and
    with Tiny and Boobsie:)

    1. Thanks!
      But you are confused in one thing:
      The winner will not get his body back - just his mind. He'll have to live his life with his new body

  27. Wow! congratulations great job!!
    I am convinced Boobsie win, it is possible that Tiny does not change??
    Maybe a change in how a ring in your sexy as.....?

    1. Thanks!
      I can't spoil what's coming... I didn't understand the last line of you comment.

  28. oh man, that is evil evil evil only his "mind"!!!!!?
    i like my end more! :) To think that you live a life and to know who you are and that your have back your IQ!
    I would kill myself!
    Boobsie is for my taste, nothing i would look, and have fun on it, for the next comic story ! she was nice to for the eyes, to the chapter 5, but after this "well mmmmhh...." some of the update like the sensitive mouth this was ok

    The ear thing looks ok for my but not with this hair style
    The Dog tail and the duck face and the 4 tits, is not my world
    sorry but
    I know you can do better

    1. The main idea is that you must use the prize or even more to be yourself again. and still knowing what you've been and what you've done.
      Im sorry it's not you taste, but I dislike the words "you can do better"... I think I did a good job, that jus wasn't your personal taste.

  29. Next one is the final chapter if I understand correctly? Anyway, keep the good work.

    I believe Tiny will 'win' on the fact that she will enjoy her life, while Bobsie won't be able to return to normal no matter what.

    1. Well, if you think having randon orgasms is returning to "normal", it may be... ha!

      Yes, next round will be the final Round!

  30. hello...but Tiny and Boobsie remain pregnant?

    1. Both winner and looser stays the way they ended the game, but the winner goes home with 3 millon and his original intelligence, while the looser is forever trapped in that body with his limited mind.

      They are not pregnant. Boobsie was pregnant for one round after accepting a deal, but it worn off

  31. the pussy vacuum. You are a genius, how can you think of these things ... round 10 in which more humiliation for Boobsie? Finished the game how they will live their life?

    1. Thanks! I loved the idea too. If Boobsie were hopeless against her arousal, what can be better than a big fat sensitive pussy that suck stuff in forcing you to fade into ecstasy?

      As for their lives... The winner will have to adjust to society however he can, splash all his money in order to revert the changes or choose to end up as a sex bimbo toy; the looser... I don't think he'll have any worries at all apart from being pleased, and be forever lost in his new form and mind

    2. Why has a pussy big and fat? Fat and big for fire extinguishers? What happens when Boobsie close your legs? her pussy is squeezed like an orange? Are you thinking that Boobsie deserves more humiliation in the randomizer? Tiny can become even more stupid, or is already at the limit?

  32. Hmmm.
    I've liked this overall, especially the restrained vs aggressive TF.
    Just a couple of suggestions for future comics (as I'd love to see a sequel/ 2nd season)
    As you commented, there should probably have been a longer time between the happy face and the duck face, to show off Boobsie's annoyance at the situation(though I love what you've done with the lips and some of Boobsie's reactions.)
    For the animal, since you didn't have a cat tail, I think a Dog transformation would have been better, as other than the purring things like the tail and the long tongue are more dog than cat. Swap the purring for a begging reaction or something. Plus you could have had jokes about "Turning into a bitch?"/"I thought she already was one?"
    Since the commentator kept mentioning Audience participation, what about adding some smaller interactions earlier in the match? Things like an audience vote for bonus points after the 3rd and 6th round (since they were a major part of the 9th round) could be used to show how the audience turned against Boobsie, in addition to the comments from the crowd.

    1. Hi, thanks for you suggestions which are not bad at all.
      I choose cat because I just don't like Dog TF that much (weird, I know), and cats have that evil smart, yet sexually needy and seductive manners.
      Also, I noticed a couple of comments asking for bigger audience participation. I can tell you however that from now on, the audience will be a MAJOR factor in winning/loosing.
      If time allows it, I'll render a couple of images to add at the end.

  33. I have no words to describe... this is getting BETTER AND BETTER!!!
    Thank you so much!
    I hope Tiny wins... That Boobsie is a bitch and she deserves whats coming for her!

  34. Fabulous work! love the way tiny reacted to being taken by her friend. I think I know who you picked to win, you gave some subtle hints, I could be wrong will wait for your final round to see if Im right. anyway love your work, keep it up! your canadian fan

    1. Thanks a lot!
      We'll see if you are right or wrong in a few days

  35. oh no i hate furry....

    1. If you want to be picky, it's not furry, it's TF... ;)

  36. Donloading Thank you! :)you are the best

  37. Un millĂ³n de gracias por el esfuerzo y trabjo que te ha llevado todo esto. Muy bueno!!!!!

  38. "it became very baaad... boobsie became hideous , disgusting, shit artist really ruined it when she gave her cross eye , faaat lips, and to make sure it went down the drains with no returning .. she made her into a disgusting cat-like thing .. i swear i almost vomited"
    That's a comment I read on another website. Could sum up my mind better than this.
    I really liked the first chapters but now it's just becoming sick... :/ Too bad.

    1. That comment you pasted I saw in in e-hentai and it was aggressive, and not constructive at all.
      I like when people criticize, I try to learn if they are positive remarks or give an argument, but that sounds just like little kids whining to mom because things don't go as they wanted to.

    2. I find it amusing when people comment on a fetish work, and are completely aggressive because it isn't 100% tailored to them. Fuck that guy VIP, you do great work for free.

    3. Thanks. It just grinds my gears when instead of saying something positive and polite like "i liked it, but i think you took a risk, and maybe this and that...", they just puke aggression.

    4. Afraid I'll have to agree with this.

    5. I think you never got, it's about humilation... thats part of the Show ^^ otherwise it would be a normal gender bender Comic, already existing in many forms, but this here is unique :>

  39. humiliation anal Boobsie? :)

  40. Just as always great !! dont rush your self and take some time for your self also.

    I would be cool to see a short chapter 11 how they have adapted oid and what friends and family think about them

  41. if tiny wins and gets back her IQ!
    It would not a big differences because she has still the Good Girl speech and the bimbotalk, she can have a IQ of 180 and more and it would not have a differences for her and us ?
    And she has still no control about her body with things like the andom Orgasm or the milk things ...!
    your would not see her big IQ !
    Why give her back the her IQ it would not be useful?

    1. Whoever wins, they'll be smart enough to realize what are they, be ashamed at what have they done, and struggle forever with his new bodies looking for a way to fit in society back. So, loosing might be a better option since the looser will be so far gone the it won't mind, but the winner will be forever a councious, rational being fighting against himself.
      In the case of tiny, fighting against his body, the way it'll talk...Trying toi get a job interview with that body in a job interview, speakign against his past experience and suddenly busrsting milk in her future boss face?

  42. I'm curious to see the dress of Boobsie with 4 breasts? You could do a round in most .. I'm sad it ends Jinkxed

    1. I can tell you it was a real pain to dress her again, but I managed fine.
      I'm both sad and happy - sad because it's the best thing I've done and all the actio nand hype in the Blog, happy because it will be something I'll remember forever, and making it even longer would have turn him into something even weirder and eventually mediocre at best.

  43. Ciao sono io Lorenzo...non riesco a capire questa frase" And still have something left!" ho provato con google...cosa significa?

    1. Ciao Lorenzo!
      significa che si deve spendere tutto il premio e anche così potrebbe essere necessario spendere ancora di piĂ¹ vovler alla normalitĂ .

    2. ho capito, grazie...io pensavo volesse dire qualcosa di altro.

  44. Muy bueno tio, la humillaciĂ³n a Boobsie es brutal, es verdad que ha quedado muy bizarra, como un monstruo, pero precisamente ahi reside lo bueno. No se que pasarĂ¡ al final, pero se ve venir que ganarĂ¡ Tiny.

    1. Me alegro que pienses como yo.
      Crees que ganarĂ¡ Tiny? Mhm no se... Mira que Boobsie de repente recuperando su intelecto y memoria, seria un verdadero shock...

  45. the next part is going to be amazing :O what will happen next?!

  46. Tiny is perfect (well, if she wasn't on a hair trigger and could count to ten without fumbling...). Interesting changes for Boobsie... but she's looking less and less like a 'boobsie' and more like a mad scientist (on LSD) idea of 'a good idea'. Tail looks funky and still not a fan of the duck lips or 'radar eye'. Figure the 'game' will end in a tie and BOTH will be given final changes (( per some shadowy 'overlord' (their ex girlfriends?) determination ))

    Nice story though... kept reading it frame for frame... now wondering how it all ends up.

    1. Thanks robert. Even though it's not entire of your liking you've given good reason and explain respectfully and with maturity your thoughts.
      You're settling for a tie? Mhm... Risky call...

  47. Round 10 will be by the end of September? If he wins Boobsie, I hope the money is not enough for him to return as before. The best TG I've seen this year, congratulations.

    1. Thanks a lot!
      Yes, it'll by next weekend probably.

  48. Will there ever be a "season 2" of Jinkxed? I mean with 2 completely new characters? Would be awesome to see triple super ass wildcard and similar

    1. I'm considering it, but it'll take a lot of time

    2. I'd watch a second season when it aired, thats for sure ;)

    3. I will also watch second season. The first season is just amazing! :)

    4. Season infinite! :D i would recommend using more public places for the contests, especially if turning to the end of the contest itself ^^!!!

  49. me encanta, ya hasta los labios se ven bien XD, aunque la cola es de perro no de gato, y no me refiero a la forma, me refiero a que solo los perros la agitan cuando estan felices y eso pero aun asi quedo muy bien

    entonces el final sera en el siguiente fin de semana? seria el mismo fin de semana que se estrena la pelicula de dragon ball aca en Mexico

    1. Muchas gracias!
      La cola es de perro, si... es que n otengo una cola de gato para Poser - pero la idea es vĂ¡lida, no?

      Intentaré tenerlo listo para el fin de semana que viene

  50. lo estarĂ© esperando el ultimo round al final de cuentas eres un mĂ¡ster en crear un buen cĂ³mic espero que tus futuros cĂ³mic sean tan intensos como emocionante como este eres un gran artista gracias por seguir como hasta ahora.

    1. Muchisimas gracias, me halagas! Veremos que nos depara el futuro

  51. i hope that b. wins !
    then he can give the money to become part "normal" again!
    Can "she" give the money the "Dr" of the show or have "she" to go the a normal Dr?
    if she must go to a normal Dr, than it would better tina wins!
    the problems between this two "girl" is that tina has alot of damages inside and B. has alot of damages on the outside!

    1. Maybe if the winner bribe Dr. Bauer Jr. with something he want or needs, he can revert her changes...
      But if not, they'll have to revert using normal science, and they might look normal on the outside, but still be a crazy maze on the inside!

  52. I hope that if Tiny loses, she at least gets to be Joe's bimbo slave/girlfriend.

  53. Round 10 will be about 150 pages? Fat pussy? by What inspired you? So Boobsie must be careful where you sit! can not ride a bike without dress.

    1. Round 10 a bicycle race without clothes. :)

    2. No, it will be shorter.
      I don't think she can ride a bike that easily - too much vibration, and 4 boobs swinging around with every tiny bump on the road!

    3. Boobsie with 2 pairs of bras.

  54. When can we expect to read the last chapter ?

  55. i am afraid of Boobsie sie is so large and with all the things of her like Glass (eye) , dock face and the cat tongue and titis, this all make me run away if i would in a room with her aaaaaahhhhh
    what is going on ??
    Tiny looks now very good!
    ok the tits are bit to big, you can´t kiss her now, because of the tits:) :(

  56. If you do anther season. can you start simple then go crazy at the end. i think you went over the top to early rather then chip away at it. if you dont do another season can you make a game? not a complicated one but one on line. it would increase use of your sight.

    1. Sadly for me, I do believe I rushed the changes and become greedy. It's a thing I'll have to give further thought in the future.
      Thanks for your feedback, that's a fine example of helpful feedback!
      About your suggestion, I don't think I understood.
      You mean like a table game or a trivia questions game, every round the same but suffering punishment after giving the wrong answer?


    2. Another good scenery to imply humilation especially selfinduced Actions! to let them Play a table game like Jumanji(Movie about a talbetopgame creating elements of jungle like animals etc in reality), a game f.e. opening the doors to hell and punish them according to their roll of dice... Extended to that is a mixture of gaming Show and playing the game

    3. Or he ment, really using a clipart click game like hentai games etc, would make it possible to satisfy every type of fetish in the end with multible endings or tempos btw... but still love our Comic!

  57. explosive finale? What will happen to our heroes?

    1. In a few days you'll see my friend... just a few days

  58. Hey VIP. I really like the wild and crazy changes you're making. Are they extreme? Yes and that's why I love them. I really hope you consider making another comic but I think you deserve some rest after all the hard work you've done to make your deadlines and to put out a quality product. Do what YOU want to do VIP. Excellent comic. I check back here every day praying for an update. Work hard and rest well, my friend.

    1. Thanks... a lot!
      I'm gonna need some rest after Jinkxed, that's for sure

  59. Ciao, sono Lorenzo. L'ultimo Round avrà meno pagine? Round 9 sono riuscito a capirlo, è davvero stupendo....complimenti all' artista.....meriterebbe una versione italiana.

    1. Ciao Lorenzo!
      Il Round 10 sarĂ  molto piĂ¹ breve ... capirete perchĂ©.

  60. You look like this author ....
    http://darkmsstressonline.blogspot.ru/?zx=752931547f052cd8 ... this is not advertising.

    1. Hey, I remember him! That's from ages ago, that was published alongside Mako and Danielsan works, ages ago. They were real pioneers in 3d TG!

    2. Thanks for the plug.. Yes, I'm back reposting the old comix, and brand new machinima movies. Keep checking for updates.

  61. Hi VIP, could you give me some advice about DAZ? Like where to find stuff like tails, clothes etc for libraries? All I can find are official starter packs.

    1. Uhm... Sorry, I can't publish that kind of information without risking that Google closes my Blog
      You could try www.sharecg.com, They have a lot of free and legal models and props for DAZ/Poser

    2. Thank you very much.

  62. a picture that we are waiting ?

    1. No teaser this time, sorry... It's just a few hours away! Hold on!

  63. get both woman a update in the next one,
    befor one gets back her IQ?
    Ps Fr Sa or more So

  64. maybe in the next one there are downdate :o)
    like the breasts size reduction, this time but for B.!!? ;)

    1. But if her breasts are reduced and she wins... Where is the fun?

    2. Big boobs are best!Thursday, September 26, 2013

      I would rather see them grow enormous, all 4 on boobsie, and even bigger on tiny

  65. not by her, i mean Boobsie! to downdate something of his mutation! that she can lief as a bimo and not like a Mutant (turtle :) )!
    have mercy with her! :) ( i know it is to late now, but i wanted speak a word of mercy for Boobsie ;) )
    Ps. hour ? how many hours are that ;) 5 10 12:)

    1. Mercy? What is that? You must mean double punishment or false hope, righ? ;)

    2. vip i like the way you think

  66. No teaser? straight to the point!
