Friday, June 20, 2014

Question regarding new comic release

Today I'm gonna need your help.
You know I've been very busy with real life this year, but still kept working on comics. Now, I'm getting close to the finish of a new one, but there is an important issue that I want to follow your opinion / advice.

The thing is, the next release was supposed to be a short comic (originally a part of VipComics #4), but it grew out of control going over 100 pages, and I'm about to render the final part this week.

Now putting it together, selecting the best renders, typing the dialogs and making them fit the comic box squares is a slow and painful job, the more pages the longer it takes, and also reading a 100+ pages comic at once can be a pain in the ass.

So, my question to you is simple:

Do you want to wait a bit more for a full 100+ pages long release, or shall I split them in 3-5 chapters and starte releasing them in a few days?

Bear in mind that the comic was not made to be splitted in chapters, so at some parts it might turn wierd or feel incomplete if I split it up!

Take your time and leave a comment with your answer

This is the biggest spoiler you'll get, and I know it sucks. The story does not admit too much of a spoiler.

If you're wondering why the lack of updates, it's very simple:

I'm at the Football World Cup in BRAZIL! 
I'll return home this week and who knows... Maybe I'll get back for the final stages if my team advances the group stage.

Who knows? Maybe all this overload of worldwide hot babe fans will inspire me...

I guess I'm a lucky guy, just like 4 years ago I went to South Africa (time does fly!) and you can also check the captions I left in that post


  1. I'd prefer the 100+ option. Being able to consume a lot at a time is a big plus for me. The only reason to split it up, I think, is if you have a lot of cliffhangers...which really isn't a huge part of what you do anyhow if I remember right.

  2. Splitt the comic. So you can give the impatient people something. And by withholding the rest you got something for busy days in real-life.
    Oh and nice job btw.

  3. Thanks to both! I appreciate your points of view, they help a lot.
    So far it's a draw...

  4. Personally I hate cliff hangers so I'd prefer the whole thing at once.

  5. split the comic into 3 parts and let us suffer for a month every week....:-)))

  6. I agree the 100+ option sounds much better to me, but hey i will take what i can get, your comics to date have been fantastic. I can't wait for this one to arrive.

  7. Better to post all of it once you're satisfied that it's finished and polished. Nothing worse than posting something, only to notice something you wanted to change a week later.

  8. 100+ ofcourse!

  9. All 100+ pages together. Splitting them up just has me waiting in unbearable anticipation for the next chapter to be released!

  10. I'm more for the 100+ pages alltogether myself rather than splitting. :)

  11. i am for waiting for the full comic to be finished

  12. If your not made to be split, I would say just leave it 100+. Keep us in the loop and we will be waiting for you.

  13. Most definitely the whole 100+ page comic at once. The impatient people can wait a little longer.

  14. I think I'd prefer one long comic too, but really, do whatever you feel like. However which way you look at it, we've waited long for an update so I think we can manage to wait a little longer at the leisure of your comfort. Enjoy your world cup :)

  15. We can wait for a full release, rather than an unsatisfied cliffhanger. If it's not meant to be split, don't split it for the impatient bunch. :P

  16. Have you been working on this comic the entire time? Or are there smaller/finished ones?

    1. There are several others halfway done. I have an attention disorder I believe, and never fous on just one thing...

  17. I'd say wait it out. You wrote it to be released all at once, the end.

  18. Ciao Vip, Ti saluto dall' Italia. Va bene tutto quello che fai, il tuo lavoro e molto bello. Che squadra tifi ai mondiali? Di dove sei?

    1. Io tifo per l'Italia, la Germania, Argentina e Olanda, essendo la Germania il mio preferito. Io non sono il tedesco, l'altro
      Purtroppo dopo le ultime partite di quelle squadre, può succedere di tutto!

  19. Would be nice to see it in parts. Maybe you will get feedback and turn it into a possible series. Either way would be OK.

    1. In this case a series is unlikely. The story ends the way I like without giving so much room for a sequel

  20. Olá VIP, você fala português também?
    Bom, acho que todos nós estamos bastante ansiosos.
    Não importa se for em partes, ficaríamos muito felizes de poder disfrutar do seu trabalho logo.
    Grande abraço!
    Você é Argentino não mesmo? Eu sou Brasileiro! Boa sorte para nossas equipes

    1. I speak very little portuguese. I'm gonna use google translator.
      Argentina and Brazil are having a very poor performance, it's so disappointing!

      Grande abraço!

  21. Yeah a new VIP comic coming. Like a majority of people here, I would rather wait you finish it b4 posting. I've been posting my own comic a couple page I once. After some thinking I think it's just break the flow on the long run. I'll see what I'll do for my net one. I'm eager to see your new comic. Can't wait :D

    1. You do comics? post a link, let me check them out!

    2. I've already posted it before but I can do it again :D. Like I said I regret posting 3-4 panel at a time maybe I'll do different for my other comics :D

      Any vague ETA on when your comics going to be ready :P

  22. Hola Vip.

    Primero enhorabuena, no todos podemos estar en 2 mundiales. Espero que tu equipo se clasifique y haga un buén mundial. El mío, por desgracia ha sido eliminado ya, aun cuando nadie lo esperaba (España).

    Con respecto al asunto, prefiero esperar un poco y que publiques el comic entero. Por lo que he leido el comic no está hecho en capítulos, por lo que publicarlo partido, sólo serviría para dejarte con una historia inconclusa.

    Espero ansioso tu nuevo trabajo

    1. Gracias superhyoga, he sido muy afortunado de ver 2 mundiales. Rusia será imposible lamentablemente y Qatar, mucho mas dificil!
      Lo de España es una lastima y una sorpresa, parece que el ciclo dorado esta necesitando un recambio. Pero es imposible reprocharles algo, han ganado mucho y deben estar orgullosos!

  23. everything all at once.

  24. Split the comic!
    And welcome to Brasil!! Its a nice place :)

  25. Either you need to win the lotto and do this full time, or I need to win the lotto to pay you to do this full time. ;-)

    1. Ha!
      I prefer to win it myself, thanks! I'd so much love to have more time

  26. 100+ all at once, I couldn't bear to wait after getting a small taste!

  27. Take your time and do it right. My vote is for the 100+ option.

  28. Wait until it is finished

  29. I'd wait until the 100+ we know its worthy

  30. Thanks to you all!
    I see a vast mayority prefer the big ass sized comic, so I'll continue with the original idea for now

  31. Oh, tío, vamos a por el todo completo en todo su esplendor... Pero que el maldito Messi deje de marcar goles en el descuento! ;D

  32. FWIW I'm fine with waiting. Also, I for one would really like to hear your thoughts on the process, if you feel like sharing while you're putting together your great work. Apart from knowing that you are progressing on a new series, I'd also like to learn about your process and the sort of things that make for triumphs and challenges as a creator.

  33. Vip take your times and when it's finished post it complete, wait is not a problem

    By A New Fan

  34. Hi- I also think it would be best to publish the entire comic at once instead of chapters.

  35. Defiantly wait and go all at once. If it wasn't meant to be released in chapters then don't do it that way. Enjoy the world cup, I'm watching from home.

  36. I would say split them up. but only if the comic can be split in chapters and it doesn't get to weird/feels incomplete.

  37. hola, soy un ferviente admirador de tu trabajo, ME ENCANTA.... y claro que estoy deacuerdo en esperar un poco para que nos regales otro de tus SENSACIONALES PROYECTOS...espero que le vaya bien a tu equipo en el mundial...Y GRACIAS POR TODOS LOS MOMENTOS GRATOS QUE NOS HAS HECHO PASAR CON TUS TRABAJOS...SALUDOS Y CUIDATE MUCHO.

  38. Honestly VIP whatever is easiest for you. would prefer full thing tho.

  39. I'm looking forward to both your comic and your captions.

  40. All together!

  41. This is the best news ever, thanks VIP! I agree the 100+ all at once!

  42. put all at once 100+, in this way you can save your energy and can give ur precious time to other comics/work...


  43. If Jinxed would have been a non tg story only with girls, your story would have been top 10 on e-h my guess, so to say it in short, you are one of the best transformation artist ive seen so far in 3d genre, dont know paid content as good as this, so to get it right... (also the small stories have a nice interpretation of fantastic transformation in order to boost fantasies, thats something more artists should use ;D.. i would start myself rightaway, but i need the suprise :D) so enough of this, i try telling the exact way i think about this... most stories have problems for the readers but quite different from reader to reader, so one stops at a futanari others at other extremes, so building up in different ways establish different ways of proceeding the storyline, the extremer it gets from part to part the more a cliffhanger can be a motivation for the next issue, so if you like this concept of building up pressure for your readers its a must to release it in episodes, cause readers who cannot wait simply wait till the story is finished ;D the others take the pressure :D for themselves... or as you could say "live" the process XD you know much psychology is behind this to transform carnal instincts into knew abstractions of Shape ;D thats quite interessting to me, i hope you can understand what iam about to tell hf deciding ^^ hope to see more girl tf coming from you bm is really the thing of things in erotic fantasy and your one of the masters out there. greets anonymous

  44. My highlight of the story is always when the man
    forced, to a sexy bimbo is (eg hypnosis)
    Hardly control more about himself and his way of thinking

    Because I can not get enough of me hardly

    I look forward to your next work

  45. I say all 100 at once, do you have a date in mind for posting? Looking forward to it, your work is great.

  46. Good see that you are in Brasil. I am in Rio today. Welcome

  47. vip, quando vedremo il tuo capolavoro? :D

  48. Ya que no veo que regreses supongo que fuiste apoyando a Argentina XD

  49. Gimme something! its been too long! Although quality takes time!

  50. Cuando sacaras el proximo comic?

  51. The wait is insufferable :P

  52. Can't wait for the new comic!

  53. Hello, fianlly youre back, i got to ask you something, you Affected from people to make your comics? i dont know if you talked about it but there more comics like yours :P ?

  54. talking about the world cup, my team was also eliminated (mexico), I lost against Holland

  55. In the words of Tom Petty, "The waiting is the hardest part."
