Friday, October 7, 2016

Corruption of the Champion, part VI

Welcome back my friends!
I'm in a good mood tonight, it's been a good week and this is a nice nice way to end it, I'm having a blast making this comic and so much fun with the feedback. And I bet you'll like this part of our beloved champion's Journey.

I've been wanting to release this part for a long time now, and we're finally here, we reached it! The time has come... Enter the Sand W... Most of you know who she is and what se does already!

I'm gonna be sad. This part is quite packed with stuff happening, and maybe the last one figuring the desert as main location (but I admit a change of landscape was needed at this point)

So to get back on track... "previously, on CoC"...

Luckily, today's part is not as short as part V. I know that was really short, but I can't make longer comics or I'll reach the last renders and you'll be stuck witing a month if I post in real-time.

So, without further ado, grab it from here:


P.S.: I don't know if I'll be at home next week. It is possible you'll have to wait 2 weeks for part VII.
At this point, the Halloween comic might be delayed because Halloween will happen in hte middle of the CoC comic releases!

See you in a few days... Thanks again for the amaing feedback!


  1. I like it, but Urta kinda freaks me out with a human face. Looking forward to the next few events in the bar. Not sure who all you have planned in Tal'Adre but the beer cat, nun, Urta, and Edyrn are shown so far.

    1. Give him credit, I don't think it's creepy, it well balanced and kinda hot!
      It must be hard to make a fox humanlike face in 3D, while hand drawing like in hentai makes it look easier

      Plus... there's Edryn fucking yes!!!!

    2. Thanks GYZ, and trust me, Urta's full fox render face looked like nightmare fuel!

    3. Still, it would have been funny to see the full fox face render in the comic at the end. Kinda like a little Easter egg like the bestiary entries are

  2. This one was great too, thank you.

  3. Cioa Vip, sono Lorenzo. Molto bello.

  4. I would have been fine with the champs tits staying big and milky :)
    So... he may need a bigger cock to impregnate Edryn :D

  5. You are the best <3

  6. what else can i say but. I LOVE IT!!!!!!

  7. Keeps getting better and better. The sand witch was insanely hot too
    Excited about the wet bitch and the little cameos

    1. Thanks! its fun to put those little things around to spice up a bit the comic

  8. Are those the elves from VipComics 5 ?

    1. I think they are! nice easter egg

    2. Yes they are.
      But they're just for a cameo, not gonna be in the comic... 90% sure of it

  9. oh yeah I love the milking part, always a pleasure to find those sand witches

  10. Oh hey it's me again, I love this chapter, we finally are at Tel'Adre *w* and I just wanted to show you my character again since I don't know if you are going to see it in the last post and since you are the one that made me start on the game I want you to know how far I've gotten XDXD

  11. So good. i almost can't wait for the next one.

  12. Maybe the best one so far! Here's hoping for more pregnancy and milk ^^

  13. Amazing and detailed work as always!! Thx a lot. I don't know if we can manage without a new release the next week!!! Waiting for more monster transformations :D

    1. Thanks a lot ! It's gonna be hard, but if I can Ill upload it

  14. This is by far the best part. And the details are amazing. Thanks for doing this for free I hope this comment as support for your work helps too

  15. youre DAMN RIGHT that Han Solo SHOT FIRST!!
    Love the references, pretty cool.

  16. Thank you. Very enjoyable. I'm impressed at the scale of your stories. You are very ambitious. Thank you.

    1. Thanks a lot!
      I like to push myself a bit, but sometimes I get way too ambitious for my skills and time

  17. Finally they arrived to TelAdre, the desert was great and fun but i have this feeling that now its gonna get interesting
    still amazed at the quality of the artwork

    1. Thanks a lot!
      I can tell you that now we're expanding the universe. Many new character and new potions are coming

  18. Too bad she doesnt have the feeder perk and lost the lactation.

    I really like this thing.

  19. Wow. This comic is addictive. Those breasts looked full and heavy, so nice

    1. Thanks! they do make me thirsty while I worked on then

  20. Does anyone know where I could find some Succubus milk for my wife? I could sneak it in her coffee....

    1. Watch out. A friend of mine tried that, the wife found out, and slipped it in his drink... You can imagine the rest

    2. Hmmm, that sounds like a reason to do it...

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. yeah tel'adre, I hope she goes to the bakery and buy a doughnut, or maybe even to the gym and the "showers" but that'd be too much to render I bet

    1. Some of that will happen. They're a must in Tel'Adre.
      And yes, they're a pain to render!!

  23. Are you doing Loppe?

    1. Unlikely. It's a real hard character to make.

  24. So decided to check out this game because of the comic. It is actually a lot of fun. Said hero had a hard time refusing succubus milk because I this comic. And shortly after buying the succubus whip things went towards corruption fast.

    1. Ha! Also I think it's one of the first potions you find around.
      It's a great game, really!

  25. Como siempre, otra gran entrega VIP. Esta parte me encanto. Aunque me surgieron muchísimas dudas ... Sabemos que el hechizo de la bruja de arena tuvo efectos permanentes en el físico de nuestr@ comapeon(@) pero, el efecto lactante se volverá a manifestar o solamente fue temporal? Nuestro personaje conocerá en algún futuro algunos de los "hijos" que estuvo incubando? Todos los habitantes/visitantes de Tel'Adre fueron alguna vez seres humanos?, Cuánto medía, y ahora cuánto mide, nuestro personaje principal (por lo visto se topará con seres mucho más pequeños que el/ella)? Muchas gracias por compartirnos tu gran talento. Saludos desde México ;)

    1. Hola amigo!
      Gracias por el gran apoyo!
      Para responder a tus dudas...
      1) en este caso fue temporal, al igual que en el juego. en ESTE caso...
      2) No creo. Sería una pesadilla el tiempo que demanda ir por ese camino!
      3)Algunos personajes de Tel'Adre fueron humanos, otros simplemente criaturas de estas tierras corruptas.
      4) Comenzó midiendo aproximadamente 1,85 y ahora mide 1,60

      Espero te haya sido de ayuda!

  26. are you going to make a second part for jinxed?, (im not quite good for a writer but i thinc i could help), i realy like your work

    1. One day he said jinxed 2 would be the last work before he retired. I prefer that he wouldn't do make that part never.

    2. ^^ exactly. It will be my goodbye.

      Plus, people liked it so much I'm affraid it will be not up to the expectations, so I want to be 100% focused on it

  27. Did we behave well enough to get an update this week still?

    1. You've all have been wonderful. Sadly I have a real life to attend, so delays are not uncommon

  28. I imagine setting up a comic in a town (with a lot more to set up in a 3d environment), will take a bit longer.

    1. You just have no idea. Takes forever!!!!
      But the delayed this week is because I'm buried in my work and some real life events

  29. I for one do not want him to get huge portions. I also read your other work and it always ends badly. I hope that this character being someone you played as will have a better ending. Just my preference, I like the idea of a full gender transformation. One of the reasons I read this and even picked up the game. But dang that game loves making things huge. By the time I got a pussy and my dic was gone I had like double F breast! What the heck? Anyways, love the work. Keep it up!

    1. I can tell you I'll be giving, taking, growing, and shrinking, and taken away forever many things... no TF is final in this comic if I can help it!

  30. Replies
    1. Ciao amico! Torno in questo fine settimana, tu mi sei mancata

    2. Oggi è domenica!! :) Tutti ti vogliono Vip!!

  31. Changed in a perfext sluty sexy wife!! Cum is exstenc for live haha she mame him so extrem horny

  32. Thank god there are plenty of easy ways to get lactaid in this realm because I really want to see him go trough that as often as he can ;), although now that he is in Tel'Adre she could get some Black cat beer or a pastry

  33. Many things will happen to our champion, some will stay, some will go, some will bloat...

  34. Muchas, pero de verdad, muchísimas gracias por este capítulo. Sobre todo por la lactancia del personaje princal (de mis fetiches favoritos, y que me pareció adecuado desde el siguiente capítulo). También veo que, en una de las últimas imágenes, le has hecho un guiño a tu comic "Defenders of the Realm". Disculpa, ¿habrá interacción directa con ellos?. Seria interesante volver a ver el ataque de "attract-fire" de Tom, pero esta vez aplicado en alguien más (tal vez sobre nuestro protagonista :) ) ¿qué número de copa de bra podemos decir que usa en estos momentos?. Creo que la mitad del siguiente número será bestiario XD, me parece muy interesante la variedad de personajes. Y te felicito por el esmero que se ve que pones en cada entrega.

    1. Debo decirte a tí, muchas pero muchisimas gracias por tan amables palabras!
      La medida de copa seria DD en ingles ó 100 cm aprox.

      No, no habrá interacción. Solo están alli para hacer un cameo!

      La mayoría del credito debe ser para Fenoxo quien creo el juego! pero gracias por reconocer el esfuerzo en generar los personajes en 3D

  35. Todavía no he jugado el juego, juro que lo voy a empezar a hacer gracias a este cómic. Los alimentos de la taberna tienen efectos mágicos permanentes? Espero que haya otra transformación pronto :) ... El protagonista perdió su botella con agua de la fuente del capitulo IV o todavía la trae consigo?

    1. Nunca la llenó de agua, pero no te preocupes, hay otras pociones que debe probar todavía...

  36. Finally a weekend :D ... Excuse me VIP, will we have a new chapter today/tomorrow ?

  37. I hope the dick disappears and have another little breast expansion soon or maybe and TA, an slut tail or kitty ears.
    Very good chapter :D

    1. I can only tell you that the cock will not be at the end of the story. Not much more

  38. Целый день жду новую часть. Hi from Ukraine:)

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. Аналогично. Искусство объединяет. Hi from Russia :)

    3. Тоже жду весь день

    4. Привет, народ! извините переводчика Google получает мои слова неправильно. Я обновлю сегодня вечером. К сожалению, я был отсрочен, потому что я выпил целый много ВОДКИ (помимо всего прочего) !!! Вы, ребята из России уверен, знает, как он чувствует себя (и, вероятно, лучше один пить thanb мой!)

  39. I hope She grows a dick so big that when she masturbates she ends up giving herself a titjob or even sucking her own dick and swallowing her own cum, that's what I liked to do with one character of mine at least <3

  40. i hope he changed in a perfect sexy slut

  41. Hi Vip!
    Not this weekend?

  42. Hmmmm in an earlier post Vip said Fri21/Sat22 so I guess something happened that forced a delay?

  43. Ojalá podamos ver en estos dias otra parte de este gran cómic que has estado haciendo. Saludos desde México

  44. I bet vip is going to release two chapters instead of won #Ibelieve

    1. Mhm... If I do that, you'll have to wait 3 weeks next time

  45. Probably we'll have to wait until next week

  46. Usually seems to show up early Sunday morning, or at least, early Sunday morning my time.

  47. That moment you refesh and still nothing...sad times

    1. That moment you go to sleep, hoping to wake up and finding a new chapter, but there's still no update(

    2. Yeah.( waiting 2 weeks, cant sleep, and its 1 day delay now.((

    3. Oh, so sorry... MAkes me feel guilty,,, But when you wake up tomorrow, It'll be there ;)

    4. U dont need to be.) u are great at this... it was just short moment of sadness xD

  48. F5 ... :( ... F5 ... :'(

  49. I hope you read this, take as much time as you need. If it takes 1 month to get 1 chapter out then awesome!! I'm pretty sure this is going to push you to become a better artist. The change in scenery, the number of unique designs is a massive improvement over your previous work.

    I don't think you realize the impact you have on the community, you are improving at an incredible pace and I have read all of your work.

    The current trend these days is to move this content towards patreon and your attitude towards free access is a big deal to me. It tells me you are willing to grow the scene and public perception.

    I feel as if the entire community owes you a great debt. I hope we can repay with kindness and maybe something more.

    1. Oh, thanks for the extremely kind words! You make me blush, friends...
      Feedback is all I want, however if I ever go down the Patreon route, it'l still be all free like usual.

  50. I love youre works!!The nörglers should simply wait !! Masterpieces need their time simply

    1. Thanks Album! You're alway here giving us support!

  51. Es raro que te atrases en una entrega sin avisar. Yo sólo espero te encuentres bien. Si es necesario esperar más tiempo para ver algún avance, pues que así sea. Suerte y mucho éxito. Saludos desde México.

    1. Si, lamentablemente, no podía ni fijar la vista para escribir por qué el retraso.
      Yo solo agradezco que no han aparecido los trolls quejándose!

  52. Please, I beg you, if there's something wrong and you can't upload, just write it, so that we'll all be out of the waiting misery...

    1. Thanks for carin my friend. Everything is fine now, no big deal.
