Thursday, January 19, 2017

Corruption of the Champion Part 12... Finally finished!

Oh yes, it is done, and even before the weekend! here it is the first 2017 CoC chapter

You know when was the las chapter releases? December 10th! Dear God, ages ago! It took so long to complete this part! So many issues and delays out of my control... But here we are, and what you get in exchange is a 67 pages long chapter in exchange for your patience!

I can't tell you enough how glad I am to finish it. It was becoming such a pain, like climbing a mountain, just seemed impossible to complete with everything going against the rendering time I needed.

But here it is, and you've been more than wonderful with the support and patience.

So, just s quick reminder of our Champion's current situation:

And here's what you want to see: the download links! (Just for you to know, today 4Shared seems to be working a lot faster than the other mirrors)


I hope you like this chapter after all the wait. I really do.

I have to travel this Friday for a week or so, so I really wanted to upload this Chapter. But stay tunned! I left a pre-made post in wich you'll be (if you want, of course) directly involved regarding Chapter 13 development.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this part, we've been doing fine on schedules so far, so lets cross our fingers, and as usual, THANKS FOR THE AMAZING; NEVERENDING SUPPORT SO FAR!

129 TG Comments (leave yours!):

Sunday, January 8, 2017

2017 is here! So... What are this year big plans?

And so, 2017 has arrived! Like, a week ago, but who cares? New year - new expectations! And 2017 started so damn good for me, putting me in such a good mood! I hope it started great for you too, and if it didn't... Let's try to improve it together.

I know we've all been wanting to see that Christmas banner gone on the main page, and it's time to give you something new... Actually, it's time to do some evil teasing!

Sadly, just like the lasts years, as summer starts, energy supply problems start. I really want to finish part 12 of Coc, but it's very hard when you have no power. But it's close. Maybe a week or two.

2016 was a really busy year, with CoC taking almost the entire year between script, development and rendering... And it's still just halfway done!
This has caused some issues, like "The Costume Part 2" being posponed until this Halloween, and VipComics #6 being delayed until CoC is finished.

But what's in store for 2017? What are the great plans? 

Here... Click on the image to see what's in my mind!
(right click -> open in new tab for full size)
f you want any of the pictures in this images, I have them rendered, just ask.

You like what you see?
Does this mean I'm gonna make ALL of them? No, of course not, but I'll be working on several projects involving this characters - maybe you could tell me wich one called your attention the most, so I can speed up its development?

But that's not all! There's also the Cancelled Comics, that I plan to release one or two, maybe this year I'll finally write a story, and of course, there's always going to be Captions (And this year's mini-series), and I do plan to make more than last year.

On a final note, I might open a Patreon account (its kinda hard to cash it in this country) ... but this does not mean I'll be giving premium content, early releases, having a scheduled agenda, or anything like that. It'll still be 100% free for all, same dates and quality, no differences made.

Yes, big plans. Not enough time. Let's see how much I can make this year. One thing is certain, and it's that I'm happier than ever to start yet another year with you my friends!

Feedback / ideas / anything is appreciated! 
Have a great week!

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