Friday, December 15, 2017

Captions countdown to Xmas!

Oh, December, December... The last month of every weary year! And of course, unless you've come from Tatooine(*) or Venus, and even if you do not celebrate it, you know what it means:

XMAS = GIFTS!!! FOOD! Family! Friends! Booze!
(Well... at least one of those you'll get for sure)

But you know it also means that I'm about to post my usual Yearly Captions Pack!
You know... I upload a big file with every single caption I have made this year, and 50% of them have never been uploaded before.

But let's see... how about a taste of what's coming? Enjoy!


Oh! I forgot, the theme of this post actually was... TG-tunes!  (is t right? TG-tunes is a thing or I'm just missing something in the translation?)
You know... a bit of hypnosis, a bit of mind erasing, a bit of behavior conditioning...

Name. Of. This. Girl. Please!
 But there's also the Latex caption that someone's been asking!

... and one of the requests someone left. this one was quite a challenge!

And... That's it. I missed you guys!

Yes, I know:
"When is the next CoC release, please?"
Considering the big Halloween comic I released in October, all work on CoC was paused back then. I am more than confident, in fact I could bet, that it'll be ready for the 1st week of January. It is mostly done, but December is kind of a crazy month at work because everyone takes their summer vacations in January around here, including me, and work piles out.

But I can be a troll, and tease you with just this little pic:

I hope you liked the captions! Please share any thoughts you have... And stay tunned for next week's captions! 

(*) The Star Wars Holiday Special does not count (such a nerdy comment!)


  1. That’s Stephanie Michelle! Dream girl for sure...

  2. Excelente captios, y que decir de la imagen. Es de una calidad excelente. Por lo visto te has puesto fuertes retos en la calidad. Muchisimas gracias por ello. Me sigo preguntando cundo abrirar una cuenta de patriot o algo donde todos tus fans te podamos apoyar. Saludos desde México y felices fiestas :)

    1. Gracias!
      Por ahora, sin Patreon... solo un hobby, sin presiones

  3. Stephanie michelle is the pink haired lady

  4. ...more ass for the champion

  5. thanks!
    I have that problem myself... Call it he or she? Heck, even Martin has that problem!

  6. Big firm Brazilian butt! That gym should pay off... Maybe she/he can get taller and stronger in COC!

    1. Thanks for the suggestions! However I don't think I'll be messing with his height anytime soon

  7. Penis reduction while women humilliate he champion would be a dream come true... just ur work!!!!

    1. Thanks! I just wonder, who could be doing that to the champion? This time, I mean

  8. I think our champion could fight back just for once, like get a big belly because of cum, and transforme all that in muscle and fuck the shit of the other, until he passes out and come back to that bimbo!

    keep up the great work!!!


    1. She will fight back... I won't tell when, but a berzerker like vengeance is on the way in the following chapters

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. +1 for even bigger champion ass
    thanks for your work vip, enjoy the holidays :D

  11. Another +1 for a nice ass and maybe thighs/hips OOF when Martin fucked the tree and got bigger hips that shit was wild. Something along those lines would be sick but honestly whatever you do it should be great. On a side note, as much as I love CoC I'm excited to see what the future holds for you and your projects! Take it easy Vip

    1. +1
      cant forget the thighs and hips

    2. Noted too!
      I think I'll see if I can mess with her hips and legs soon. They deserve more attention, poor things.

  12. Ciao vip! Ti scrivo dall'Italia. Adoro i tuoi fumetti e ti faccio le congratulazioni per i lavori che hai fatto è che stai facendo. Ascolta ho un idea da proporti. il nostro campione può essere gonfiato come un pallone e UMILIATO con aria da un mago o una strega? Sarebbe una scena incredibile!

    1. Ciao Christian!
      Vedo che sei un fan dell'inflazione ... Sfortunatamente, non penso di poterlo inserire nella storia MA ho un'idea per un fumetto con inflazione (stile balloon, non mirtillo) che posso iniziare a fare l'anno prossimo come parte di VipComics # 7

    2. P.D.:
      Sono davvero molto triste per il brutto momento di calcio dell'Azzurra ... Forza, i tempi migliori arriveranno!

  13. Grazie vip! Sì un fan dell'inflazione da poco. Ma non mi piace quando i protagonisti alla fine delle storie esplodono. Aspetterò questo fumetto con ansia e spero che quel giorno arrivi presto! Ti dico ancora che sei bravissimo hai un ottima tecnica e i tuoi lavori sono stupendi! Sceneggiature molto belle soprattutto quella di COC. Sei molto originale sia nelle storie che nelle trasformazioni Il mio fumetto preferito è Angelis e demonus. TOP!!!
    questa volta niente mondiali. Una volta toccato il fondo si può solo salire e migliorare

    1. Wow, Angelis e Demonus sono vecchietti, sono contento che ti sia piaciuta!

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. will be a bunnygirl in new chapter?

  16. Hello VipCaptions!
    Great work as always especially for the champion!
    I like the fact that he/she is looking more and more demonic / corrupted so I do like the hooves and that he has both genitals(lots of controversy heh?).
    I wonder if Martin will give up wearing clothes or will be (kinda) forced to?
    Will our champion pierce the other nipple? How long will Martin be able to fight back (Martin strikes back?) and how far will he fall? I can't wait for the next teases/chapter!

    Good holidays Vip and thank you for your work!

    1. Controversy it's a polite way to say it. I can feel both the love and the hate for them!
      No, I love playing with clothes. But he spends naked half the time in every chapter, so it's almost like he's not using clothes anymore.

      I can tell, withour fear to spoil, that there will be another piercing.

      Thanks for the comment!

  17. I'm really enjoying the demoness transformation, will there be more?

  18. Agree with the above two. Would love to see Martin drink more Succubi milk! :)

  19. Totally agree with the guys over me.
    More demon-cow looks please!
    and YES keep the hooves!!

    Thanks for so much in exchange for so little from us.

    and BTW the latex caption was great. Please do some more latex captions

    1. Latex caps? You're gonna get some in a couple of hours


  20. Replies
    1. No idea. Someone left it as a request a couple of months ago

  21. you got all of us talking like sissies...saying we love CoC... that was pretty smart from you!

    1. Oh no... dont blame me for anyone's sissyness!

  22. +1 for ass expansion and further bimbofication/demonization. also keep up the good work vip. take all the time u need for releasing some of the best tf content on the internet FOR FREE. unbelievable to think a martyr like u could have haters -.-" and ofc as always ty for ur hard work and commitment in 2017 and beyond :D

    1. For me it's a much needed hobby. I could never charge for it or dedicate more time to it.
      and haters... everyone has haters. haters, trolls, whatever. Internet is free and still anonymous, many people abuse that fact.

  23. well vip it looks like we all want ass, thighs, hips and bimbos...

    enjoy your vacation :)
    resident ass lover
