Friday, March 8, 2019

Corruption of the Champion - Part 22!

Hello and Happy weekend everyone! How are we doing tonight?
You've been expecting this one? Well rejoice because CoC #23 has arrived! And it's a little different chapter than the previous ones...
To start, it's the beginning of he end of Martin's quest: he's out exploring again! New foes to fight and, more importantly... The beginning of Martin's change of mentality: his ordeals left a toll on his mind, his corruption is becoming more noticeable and his way of thinking and seeing things has adapted to his situation and environment. No more the naive Champion that almost ended up as a blonde bimbo forever: Now, Martin has decided to take more control of the situation.
You'll see more of it in the next chapters. Consider this one as a starting point.

 So as usual, let's quickly remember how we left him the last time we saw him:

Wanna see how he'll end up this time? Get CoC #23 here:


I hope you enjoyed it! Please leave a comment and share your thoughts. As always ideas, questions and suggestions for the future are always welcome!


  1. Oh, Dios mío... Excelente regalo, y más porque es viernes. Quien lo hubiera dicho. La verdad no era de esperarse. Muchísimas gracias. Saludos desde México.

    1. Gracias!
      Estaba 99% listo desde la semana pasada, así que pensé, por que esperar al sábado?

  2. Vip! Sei cattivo! Questo capitolo non può finire così XDXD è un bellissimo clifhanger! Adoro questa parte! Mi piace come hai raccontato la battaglia interna di Martin per non perdere il controllo e di come ora ha il controllo sulle situazioni. Amo! Amo! L'ho già detto amo? Le scene di inflazione del corpo e la pancia di Martin è enorme! Questo è decisamente il mio capitolo preferito!
    Ottimo lavoro vip! Sei il migliore!

    1. Ciao Christian!
      Sono molto contento che ti sia piaciuto così tanto. Sì, il cliffhanger è stato un po 'malvagio da parte mia, no? LOL!
      Sì, Martin deve abbracciare la corruzione e cambiare idea. Penso che sia stata una progressione tardiva ma necessaria per il personaggio.
      Goditi la grande pancia! Mi è piaciuto il risultato e il suo aspetto. Grazie per il tuo commento!

  3. It was great, as usual. Thank you for your works that you share.

  4. Really incredible :) thank you for your work! :)

  5. This was awesome, but I hate cliffhangers! You do some of the best preggo 3d work I've ever seen, and I can't stop loving. On my list of personal favorites, you're in my Top 3. I hope you update again in the near future.

    1. Yeah, CoC abuses bit of the cliffhangers, but I find little ways to end the chapter and make people come back to check it out without them. After all CoC it's such a huge universe!

  6. Un altro capitolo magnifico ! Grazie ancora per il tempo che ci dedichi :)

    1. Ciao Marco!
      Grazie mille, è un piacere, e grazie per aver lasciato un commento!

  7. it was a wonderful Chapter, but too short :)

    1. Thanks, but in order to save time and focus on other and new stuff, Chapter cannot be as long as they used to be, I cannot spend 5 months between chapters if we ever want to see how the story will end

  8. This is so good!! Thank you for putting this out for us. Corruption of the Champion is my favorite story. I love the Bimbo stuff :) I re-read this entire story often.

    1. wow, that's like 100 pages long! Glad you're liking it that much, thanks a lot!

  9. Yeah some Bee girl action. Hope Martin finds some Bro Brew to help fight the effects of Bimbo Liquor.

  10. Replies
    1. I think I find a way to end the legs/hooves debate. Wasn't easy to model those short hooved legs though

  11. Another great addition. Good work on developing your overall style and improving your use of variable story panels - a definite improvement over the old 4 panel pages styles.

    1. Thanks! 4 panel is comfortable and faster, but yeah it was a bit dull after so many chapters and comics

  12. resident ass lover here, imo this champion is the best shes looked in awhile, the hairstyle even ties it all together, i like the dynamic her bimbo form has too :D her outfit fits well and makes her hooves look good. some of the shots in this chapter were really nice, especially with the lens flare. her ass looks great ;) the clit is a nice touch

    1. I was affraid I used to much the lens flare effects.
      Thanks a lot! enjoy the looks while they last, after all, this is CoC and things might change even if it it's for just a chapter

  13. very nice intro for the next chapter, super excited for more

    1. I'll be a bit vain, but I really liked the last page myself and the way the Hellhound looks.

  14. I am enjoying the series, however... I would like for our champion to become a badass that dominates those she comes across. Sick of seeing her getting into these silly situations over and over again! Please, lets see our champion move towards being a badass thanks.

  15. Thanks for the update, I hope we can have a bee transformation :)
    I was wondering the MC have to be alone and does not form a party instead?

    1. Well, someting of the sort might happen.
      The main reason it hasn´t happened yet is that every model makes the rendering times longer and the rendering software slower. More than 3 characters in a scene is quite of a sistem hog, and sometimes I have to render them apart and them stitch them together in a pcture with photoshop, that alsotakes some time to do.

  16. Grandissimo vip, un maestro dell'arte digitale

    1. grazie mille per le belle parole! Non so se sono un "maestro", ma sicuramente mi diverto con il mio hobby.

  17. Thanks for another excellent release...

  18. Nice to see Martin (if we can still call him/her that) back on the road again! Will we get to see what potions Martin's picked up so far? Do you plan to invent some new ones like the Satyr Wine or just stick to the ones found in the original game?

    I'm looking forward to the next chapter regardless, great work as always VIP.

    1. Thanks! I felt that Tel'Adre has so much to offer, but he stayed in there more than long enough (I think the entire past year?)
      Satyr Wine was not my invention. It is an item you can find in the official Revamp Mod.

      Yes... We'll see him making good use of the stock he's acquiring

  19. Awesome chapter as always!
    Considering the plethora of changes our fine adventurer has gone through, is there any chance of a longer hair transformation, even if just for a single chapter? That would be awesome if it isn't a bother :)

    Regardless, I thank you for your continuous effort and look forward to the next chapter!

    1. I made him bald once, I might find an excuse to do the opposite even for a ciuple of panels (that is if I remember when I'm rendering the story!)

    2. Well here is to hoping it will be something that can be plausibly added and you remember, haha.

      It would be fun to see the poor champion struggling with super long hair! (amongst other things)

  20. can you make her butt bigger and hips wider? another preg would be nice too

    1. There will be a time for hips and butts and other stuff to swell

  21. Thank you. always looking forward to these. excellent work as always.

  22. Can we move onto something else? This comic is just grotesque at this point.

    1. We will after its finished. Sorry you see it that way.

    2. Don't be in a hurry, much more people like coc than the opposite :) you really do a great job :)

    3. Why are you here? People who are here like this sort of stuff so if you dont like it you can move away with peppa pig and children stuff :)

  23. Hey there it been awhile, have you found any pictures for that tf tg caption about the Jack in the box? Also I figured out a story on how the guy can get transformed into it, I was thinking maybe a annoying teen who is always looking for sex and chasing the girls at school Mets his maker when he accidentally hits on a witch. She takes him in the girls locker room, but when he enters he all the high school girls that he flirted with and at this point he thinks he's going to get banged by all the girls, but instead the witch transforms him into a female Jack in the box with a frozen express. The girls don't bang him, but they do make fun of him and wind his crank

    Please let me know what you think, I would love to see what you come up with, you're captions are amazing and also sorry for any mispellmis words, I'm using my phone

  24. Here's a clean version: there's this annoying teen who is always looking for sex and chasing the girls at school, he finally Mets his maker when he accidentally hits on a witch. She takes him in the girls locker room, but when he enters he sees all the high school girls that he flirted with and at this point he thinks he's going to get banged by all them, instead the witch transforms him into a female Jack in the box with a frozen express. The girls don't bang him, but they do make fun of him and wind his crank

    1. No, I did not find or come across a usable picture. the idea is still in my mind, maybe when I have more time I can find enough component to make the picture with photoshop.
      the comic is not a bad idea, a classic and always nice "get what you deserve" plot!
      But regarding the comic, I'm not going to lie, I have so much in my head to do after CoC that I see slim chances of making it.

    2. Ok, the pictures I really liked were the two you showed me, would one caption be possible?

    3. yo'll have to remember me when I send the pictures. It's hard to keep track of everything after 100+ comments and several posts!

    4. .png
      These ones

    5. Ah, the render. I prefer to do captions with photos, but a render could work. I'll see if I can do something. but no promises!

    6. Ok, thank you so much. I can't wait to see what you come up with, I know for
      A fact it will look great like always. also I started following you on Deviant art.

    7. thanks, but my DA account is quite dead. I rarely use it. I have just enough free time for the blog, so DA and other sources are usually ignored by me

  25. as always, good job and thank you very for your contents.
    Any estimate on the next coc release? april maybe?

    1. Thanks!
      If I cut it in half, it could be ready for next week. I'm considering it.

    2. Awesome! I will check every day for it :)
      keep up the great work!
      Can't count how many times i've nutted to coc :D

  26. Un groso ahhh... ese final abierto me deja con ganas de ver mas. Lastima que para explorar todas las posibilidades de CoC te llevaria al menos 70 cpitulos. Y la bee girl es como me la habia imaginado. Aun que para mi era mas insectoide tipo con exoesqueleto pero excelente representacion. Y como carajo vencera a ese cerberus(como yo lo llamo) con tremenda barriga? Seguro la espada maldita hara el trabajo. Llegara nuestro heroe a los pantanos? Quien sbe :) y solamente te basaras en la version original? O tambien del revmp con el glacial rift y el palacio de anzu por ejemplo? Excelente calidad y se entiende la demora. Tener que crear los modelos y riggearlos mas el mundo creado es un dolor de pija de laburo. Espero que tu patreon te permita gnarte algunos dolares y que no te lo afane MM o CFK je

    1. Ja! 70 capitulos? 170 me parece!!! Muchas gracias amigo por las palabras de aliento. La vedad se pone pesadito (por suerte ya no sufro tantos cortes de luz, aunque se hace mas dificil pagarla) pero se disfruta.

      La bee girl es extremadamente dificil de hacer, mucho mas que lo que hice no se puede.
      que gracioso yo tambien lo llamaba cerberus! Pero el cerberus tiene 3 cabezas y no tiene cuerpo humanoide. En la wiki de CoC lo llaman Hellhound
      Pienso atenerme mas al CoC oficial, y terminar la historia en la fabrica.
      Tengo ganas de usar el swamp y hacer a Ember, me encanta que se aun huevoi y segun lo que lo alimentes, el tipo de criatura que salga de el... Pero es un modelo casi imposible!
      Patreon ayuda un poco, pero tengo terror de que algun politico chorro se le ocurra meterle impuestos o meta la manito! Casi seguro sucedera.

  27. Great work as usual. Any chance of some more succubi milk? Always been my favourite transformation in the game and comic.

    1. Yes, there's chance of seeing it back in action. Maybe for the hero, or maybe for...

  28. What modeling program do you use to make these? If its daz do you have extra addons for it?

    1. DAZ and Photoshop for some postwork, backgrounds, fixes...
      Nope, I don't run any addons or scripts for DAZ

  29. So is Marti, he's been in girls body throughout story now secretly killing but blacking out. Because of the sword and what's weird about this game it has nothing vampire. Is Marti going to start seducing it's prey?

    1. Yes, now that I think about it, it's weird that the game has a lot of demons but no vampire stuff.
      Martin tried to seduce its preys in the past before, not working as he intended, but now he's about to face bigger and harder opposition in the incoming chapters. All strategies are valid!

  30. Do you have an estimated time frame when the next chapter will be out?

    1. Yes. I'm doing my best to have it ready for Easter without having to split it in half
