Monday, July 29, 2019

New Comic? New Quiz? First movie? Action figures? Flying cars? What's coming NEXT WEEKEND?

Oh, yeah. Something's coming. I've been busy the past few weeks working on something. In fact, I'm the one hyped about it!

But what could it be?
A new comic? A long one, a short one, a VipComics series?

A new Quiz?
A story, finally?
A new captions mini-series?

Oh... Is it a movie maybe?

Am I gonna leave you without telling you what could it be? Am I that mean?

Nope. Enoy the video (Yes, I made a video!) and tell me if you're hyped afterwards!

Stop staring at my boobs

See you next weekend!

41 TG Comments (leave yours!):

Monday, July 22, 2019

New comic: The Science Project

Hello again everyone! It's been awfully quiet around here, hasn't it? I missed, I missed this so much.
There a good reason for my long absence. Want to know what's the reason? Check the render at the end of the post!

So, am I just going to leave you with nothing? C'mon, you know me better! There's always something to share here when I return!

So, remember so long ago when I told you that I planned to release from time to time the comics I left unfinished? Well, this is yet another one of those.

This comic was originally made back in... 2017? Nope
2015? Close
2014? Yep, that's it. It's an old one! It's kind of short, and for the sanity of the readers, it's straight to the point

Why it was cancelled? Damn, who knows? Back then I believe I was changing my render style and wanted to push the queality up a bit, plus maybe I felt the story was too similar to a comic I made close to that date.

You can get "The Science Project" here:



So, what's been holding you up the last few weeks?

The old pipework from the upstairs neighbour broke!!! That means, that it literally started to rain INSIDE MY HOUSE from my very own roof until the problem was solved, and then I had to repair my own roof!

And I might be wrong, but I believe that computers don't work well under rain.

Anyway, it's over, so here's a fun render to make me look at the bright side of this pain in the balls problem I had to deal with at home!

Hey, I might just be a cute mermaid after all!

And tht's it for tonight.
So how you liked the little comic and the little render? Tell me! Want to see something special or have any ideas? Share!

See you soon... Maybe with a special caption series or a quiz before CoC, just maybe?

36 TG Comments (leave yours!):