Friday, February 28, 2020

Finally back home, this time for real - now how about more animated captions?

Hello my dear friends and happy friday for everyone! The weekend is about to start!
How are you doing? Big plans? I got a few on my own.

Sorry for not responding your feedback. Seems like after my vacations, they were expecting me with a lot of travelling and work back at the office, but I think that's over for a couple of weeks now.

So how you liked those animated captions? I see you liked them, indeed!
As I continue to work on the next CoC chapter, I wasn't gonna leave you with nothing, so here, enjoy some of the anjimated caption I've made the past few days!

So how you liked them? Let me know! what kind of animated captions (apart from preggos, they're coming) could I make to spice tings up?

On a side note, I might turn on moderator mode for the comments again. Thankfully the spam filter is working fine, but still misses some things.
One thing I'm sure is I'm glad someone considers me so important to devote so much of his time to me. Must not be worth much.

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Friday, February 21, 2020

The future of captions is here!

Hello everyone, and happy friday too!!!!
Oh yes, the title of the post says it all. I'm on it. It took some time to understand and work with them, and believe me: it takes an insane amounto of time to select the pictures, cut videos, etc, but yes: I'm starting to work on animated Captions!

But why am I working on animated captions? Easy... It's mandatory for the *Top Secret* even I have planned! Now... You know what kind of captions uses gifs and a lot of pink and sometimes blue on their backgrounds?

I'm leaving you this one, one of the very firsts I made, so take a look!

And if you don't like it... There's always an extra caption in this post!

So how you liked the idea? I think it has great potential! Leave me your thought or ideas, and thanks a lto for the feedback!! See yoiu next week!

19 TG Comments (leave yours!):

Friday, February 7, 2020

Corruption of The Champion #27 Preview!

My dear, beloved friends! How I've missed you! Vacations were a blast, and oh such a needed rest, but I was actually not so sad after they ended this week, knowing that I can get back to have some fun with this little hobby of mine!
Now I just have to get up to date with the feedback... Thanks a lot for it! It was more than I expected to have on a captioned story (and with so many typos!) Love that, I really do!

But before I submerge myself into my own word and start rendering tonight, I wanted to give you smething, a little thing to enjoy this weekend

CoC # 27 is coming. It's about time. The first of the last 3 chapters, and I wanna make it right, so I took a bit of extra time (plus, 3 weeks of vacations didn't help) in its development.
But have no worries, it's well under way and I'm positive it'll be ready in  a couple of weeks.

Now, since it's been quite a long time since the last chapter was released (we had a lot of other things in the middle) I'm taking the liberty of releasing the first... 20 pages!

Get it from the links below, enjoy it!
(Today Mega has been acting out while I tried to upload the chapter, maybe try the other links first)




So now, since I've missed you be kind and tell me...
How you liked it? You liked the models? Looking forward to its conclusion and one of the final transformations? Thanks for reading, and have an amazing weekend!

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