Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Charity Month + News at the end of the post


I'm sure we all at this point have heard of COVID-19, Coronavirus, or whatever you want to call it.
Many countries have been or are about to go into quarantine.

Damn, quarantine is boring! I know, the first couple of days, long naps, burning Netflix, play games like never before, fuck and/or fap as much as you can take... But then it gets boring. Too much of a good thing eventually becomes a bad thing.

Those are our supericial worries and vices after all, and we all have them, nothing wrong with that.

But many, so many people need not only medical assistance: they also need to work to get to the end of the month. They can't just stay put. They need to eat.
I am lucky: I can spare the earnings. But I've reached a point in my life were I can't just do nothing having the power to! Damn this voice in my head, she used to be more fun...

So I've decided to DONATE 100% Patreon's EARNINGS during April to charity: both medical care and free food kitchens (don't know the exact translation) related.

So, not only your support, but your help will be insanely appreciated this time.
Just click the orange button if you fee like it!
This is me trying as usual,a new thing. I hope this works, more than ever! And if you are a doctor, nurse, police, army, or you have to risk yourself everyday, you have my gratitude!

But Wait!! There are more NEWS!
I'm making a new comic for April, named "The Succubus Quarantine".
It will be a one-shot shorter comic dedicated to all of us in quarantine. Who knows? If I have more spare time and I can finish it fst enough, maybe I'll end up making more!

See you next weekend... Thanks for stopping by!


  1. The Succubus Quarantine".😆yes safe live

    1. Better to be safe and having fun that just to be safe!

  2. Ça c'est une super nouvelle et une très belle initiative, je suis fièrement un nouveau patron ! continue de nous éblouir de ton talent ! plein d'amour, et régale nous encore longtemps !

    1. Merci pour votre soutien et pour aider les autres dans le besoin! Je suis content que vous appréciez également le contenu.

  3. thats so nice from you I would have never thinked of that, thanks for making me see it
    I started funding you on Patreon I hope will help
    also the avatar asa a nurse look good

    sorry for bad english

    1. Thanks a lot! no need to worry about bad english

  4. Count me in. Great iniciative and I hope more will follow. Solidarity and empathy are needed more than ever.
    This is the best post ever.

    1. Thanks, I hope it will help those that need it

  5. men Changed in sexy Bimbo bimbo a treat for the senses 😄

  6. Thanks for all your wonderful work, VC. Now it turns out you're also an amazing person. Wish you all the best in these trying times, where regular people like you do the things that the governments and the rich avoid doing.

    PD:I've been thinking about the backstory for the VipCaptions character. I think sooner or later you're gonna go down the path of making that comic, and I have some ideas I want to share with you:
    1. I think it clearly ought not be a story of humiliation, as it kinda wouldn't fit the current personality the character has now. So it has to be a story of empowerment or trascendence.
    2. It has to be TG (This doesn't need explanation ;) ).
    3. It clearly needs a strong corruption component.
    4. It has to have happened a long time ago (or in a different universe?), because the character fits the idea of an extremely learned, old entity with a lot of agency in your different stories.

    So what do you think? Am I onto something here?

    1. Hey Dave! Thanks a lot for the comment and the ideas.
      You are quite right in several of the points you make... Her time will come. Having your avatar in a comic must be something very well done with a solid story and great transformation, it's a bit too much pressure.
      But who knows? Maybe it'll be done sooner than later because of popular demand
