Sunday, April 4, 2021

Happy Easter! More fun inside the post

Hello my friends, happy Sunday and Happy Easter/Pesaj/Chocolate eggs/whatever you celebrate or prefer not to!

I took some days off this Easter - a new Lockdown is surely to start anytime (last one lasted 9 months here, cazy useless shit of a lockdown) and I had to use whatever time I could find to have a vacation away from home. A much needed one.

I'll return Sunday late to my beloved house, and I'll be responding the feedback from previous posts  then

But Fear not! You thought I would forget about you? No chance! I would've felt guilty if I left you with nothing.

So Enjoy! And have a happy Easter!

You think this'll make a good Eater comic next year?

Or maybe this is a better story for such comic?

I hope you liked them! See you next week my friends, leave a comment if you eant and don't forget to tell me whicj one was your favorite!


  1. Who's the girl in the third caption with the belly button piercing?

  2. regarding coc, i was wondering if you will do a good end and a bad end or just finish the comic as is? anyway happy easter.

    1. I will do 3 endings: the one I have in mind, the one PAtreons will vote for, and a third one that might be bad, good, or simply out of canon

  3. Part 4
    You claw at Daniels pants, you can feel his rock hard dick throbbing behind the fabric. You try to free it, but Daniel grabs you by the shoulders and shakes you
    "Jack, snap out of it"
    "Snap out of what?" you think, as he pushes you backwards away from him.
    "I read the text in the entry room. There's a way out. A way to get away..."
    The words are already fading as your desire grows exponentially
    "... This is one of three chambers, one of which has the gate in it, and the tech we came for. You just need to hold on a little longer until I can reverse this" He says, looking at the writing on the walls.
    You move up behind him and start to undo his shirt.
    "Jack, please stop" he begs, the words go unheard by your modified mind, desperate for one thing and one thing only.
    "Here, try this" Daniel says, handing you a round cylindrical cold metal thing as he once again pulls away from you. If you were still you, you would recognize it as a pocket torch, about 15cm long and 5cm wide. But its roll before now is irrelevant, you know what needs to be done. You bury it into you pussy, masturbating with it until you are dripping wet, lost in the feeling of something inside you, even if it wasnt the thing you wanted, and didnt fill you at all, it was still better than a finger. You can feel the warmth growing, building to something.
    You look up, from your pleasure to see Daniel disappearing into another hallway.
    You stumble to your feet, torch still inside you, covered in your juices, dripping to the ground, as you stumble towards the hall
    The hallway closes.
    No, you were so close to your prize but you missed it. And now its gone and you cant get it back.
    You feel emptier than you ever have before as Helhiem appears on the pedestal behind you.
    "Disappointing... very disappointing..." She says looking at the closed hallway tunnel, as she waves her hand towards you and the white beam of light from before returns you to your male self.
    "... they will need to be punished." Looking down to you "You on the other hand pass the test, welcome to Valhalla"
    A white beam of light sweeps over you... again, everything fades white
    (end part 4)

    Hey VIP. I promise the is the second to last part, and I saved the best for last. So I hope you do another post soon, so I can show you part 5 :p
    Other than that, I hope you had a great easter, and get to avoid lockdown best as possible this time round. I know theres no real light at the end of the tunnel, but the more people who get vaccinated, the closer that light gets.
    So have a good one and see you next time
    - Scifi Stig

    (find the other parts in the comments of these posts)
    Part 1 -
    Part 2 -
    Part 3 -

    1. LOLm I hear GoT's Cersei's saying "that's dissapointing" in my head as I read those words.

      You do realize you will make, me included, a lot of people actually go towards the bright light, instead of not going towards the light?

      thanks for the update on the story, I'm really enjoying this one!

  4. Oh nice! What is the source of the fourth one in the pink laying eggs?

    1. That video was sent to me. I have no idea! I remember it was from BangBros

  5. Love the old captions keep these coming

    1. Thanks! this year we'll have more variety between animated and classic

  6. Sorry, I don't know if you remember, but a month and a half ago you said you would write some of my caption request and I wanted to know if you are still planning on doing that. I asked if you could write a caption were a guy gets turned into casey delux and and his friend diapers as a phantom penis penetrates casey delux pushing her into a 3rd trimester pregnancy were the friend is a female baby inside of casey. I also asked for a caption were a guy swaps places with a sex doll and the sex doll takes over his body and life. If you are too bus or changed your mind I understand.

    1. I did not forget. I just didn't have much time, I'm working commissions and most of the captions I'm posting are ones I've made a couple of months ago to have some always ready.
      I might do some of those captions, but I can't commit!

  7. The 3rd and 4th images here are my favorite of this batch. Being forced to talk sexy only to be stuck sexy and the exhibitionism in the cute pink dress are pretty hot.

  8. Thank you, take all the time you need. I was also wondering if a caption about a wife who learns she is a witch uses a spell to swap genitals with the husband for fun and that leads to her keeping it for a week... and than another week... and than a month and than it turns out she was using it on her girlfriends and got them all pregnant. the divorce proceedings in the magician's court say because the swap lasted for 1 month it without a swap back it meant that the husband's dick was legally the wifes on top of the fact she used it more than the husband and resulted in her having multiple kids. thoughts on that idea?

  9. Amazing captions like always!! Best caption artist out there.
