Thursday, September 30, 2021

All the Quiz Results

Hello my friends, welcome back! How are we doing today?


I hope you had fun playing with the latest quiz - you sure had more than enough time to do so. It was a fun quiz, wasn't it?  I think most of us agree that the longer outcomes were a welcome change, even though they are very inconvenient when you try to export a caption. Some are way too tall for the screen and zooming is required.


I'm working on another quiz like that, maybe involving you mixing stuff up and suffering the consequence of mixing, let's say, blue powder with bat wings and throwing salt to the mix. Or maybe, pressing the red button and moving down the lever of a strange machine? I don't know yet. I'm sure liking this "pick your own adventure" setup rather than "what would you do if..." questions. I hope you also like it better?


Oh, speaking about the Quiz... If you failed to take it just click HERE to try your luck!


Sadly, I can't get detailed information and leads about this quiz, as all the analytics are inaccesible  without paying, but I can access the results. so, it's better than nothing I guess. 


Here you have: all the Quiz's outcomes!

And that's all the outcomes! Did you get the one that you liked the most? And speaking of... Wich one you consider the best? I loved the secreatry one myself.

See you next weekend! Right now, I'm trying to have something ready for Halloween... Have a great weekend!

21 TG Comments (leave yours!):

Friday, September 24, 2021

I did it!!! Thank you so much!! Let's get back to BUSINESS!!!!!



(Oh yeah, there are captions in here too. Right at the bottom.)

HOORAAAY!! Fuck it was hard, it was very vey hard. Damn addictions! Now I realize how much of a sick person, a slave I was. how it controlled every second of my life as I was living it around my addiction, and it was linked to almost everything I did!

I was a serious addict. Thankfully I took advantage of what might have been my last real chance to quit smoking. DONT LET THAT HAPPEN TO YOU. p>

away from temptations and surrounded by fresh air and lots fo physical activity. After many weeks, a couple of days ago was the first day ever that I woke up not thinking about the death sticks. 

I had to neglect a lot of thing this past weeks, I disconnected even to VipCaptions or worked on anything - and Halloween is getting close!

I have, like, so many feedback, emails and comments to get up to date! As always I could not ask anything more from you. I'm so happy to share so many good memories and experiences with you for so long. Again, thanks, for everything from the patience, the support, the inspiration, the motivation to keep going.

I'll be responding every single comment and releasing the Quiz outcomes duringt the next week (I'm spending the weekend on the countryside celebrating with my friends and eating a big ass Asado)

But that's enough of me! I've made a little selection of captions, I'm more than sure that you'll love at least one of them!




 After reading your feedback, I've decided to not make more of this this video-like captions. I'll release the 5 or 6 I already made and go back to the regular format.


As you might expect, CoC is severely delayed. I'm going to do a one-shot comic for Halloween, and then return to work in it. I'm not sure if I'll do a sequel to a previous shor Halloween copmic or do an entirely new one. What do you think? I'm sorry for this volatile agenda, I really really am, but for the past year I feel like I've been dodging bullets!


Thanks for stopping by again. I hope you enjoyed the captions and the news! There's a lot of feedback you can provide this time if you will. So glad to be back! See you nex weekend

24 TG Comments (leave yours!):

Saturday, September 11, 2021

That's it: I QUIT!!! ... Smoking

You might not care, but a couple of days after releasing the latest Quiz, I decided to finally put an end to years of smoking.

I've always been kind of a semi-heavy smoker, but I used to balance it by practicing several sports and engaging several activities. Yet, with the overly extensive quarantine we suffered last year in this backward country and other issues related to life itself, I noticed how bad it was for my health and how much quickly it was affecting me.

So I took the desition to quit smoking. It's my third attempt, and so far, the most serious one.

I tried smoking less each day, it's useless. I tried gum, patches and pills, they're useless. Now I simply cut it entirely in a split second.

Almost a month has passed since I put down my last death stick.... And, oh my dear God... It is sooo damnn hard!!!!! I can't even concentrate on anything, or take it out of my mind! I find myself walking in circles, going to bed extremely early and don't let me get started about my temper these days.

I'm telling you all this because it's a affecting my work output. Just think about it: a single render takes from 5 to 30 minutes... What I used to do during that time? Light a cigarette, of course. Now I can't stand standing still waiting for a render without the fucking thing!!! And that is, if I don't go straight to bed wishing for a new day to start in wich I hope I crave a little less for a smoke.


Now here's a piece of advice: don't treat smokers like shit. Don't shame them, go scream at them or treat them like plague carriers. Smoking is not a rational thing, it's purely passionate and vice related, and by doing so you only make them alienate and strenghten their vice or need for another smoke to calm themselves. Making or helping someone to decide to quit smoking is a long process, and they will need a friendly supportive environment. You must convince that person little by little and always in a supportive, positive way. Remember: addictions are not rational. You can't think them out. Not even when the side effects are noticeable and affecting their lifes. I hope this advice helps you is you ever need it.

I hope this week goes by smoothly. Tonight I'm trying to get back to captions and renders and maybe focusing on TG fiction will help me clear my mind. I know there are far worst addictions, but smoking turns out is no joke to quit and sadly it's my weakspot so far.

See you soon, and thanks for stopping by! (I don't become crazy).

92 TG Comments (leave yours!):