Saturday, September 10, 2022

Classic Captions Round 3: Potions & Swaps!


Hello my friends, how are you doing tonight? I hope Great!

Thanks for all the kind messages this past few days. Sadly, my hand is not healing as good as expected, so I haven't fully recovered its use. Actually it hurts after a little while of using it. but doctors are confident it'll heal properly anyway, and after my back injury so many years ago I know staying positive is a must for any healing process

But enough of me! It took a while to make them, but here you go, the captions resulting of the winners of the last Classic Captions post and votes in its comments section... And who would've guessed? swaps and potions draw as winners! I never imagined Swap fetish was so popular. Maybe I should do more of them?

Enjoy - I threw 6 captions instead of the usual 4!

So, you liked them? any favorite one? I forgot or should improve something (apart from typos and some grammar, that to be fair, is very hard to type at the moment) what would it be for the next Classic Captions Round?

- Magic collar / necklace

- M.A.U. (morphic adaptation unit) / TG remote

- Angry girlfriends / Revenge Gender Bend

- Poorly placed bets

- Bikini Beach

Leave you picks as a comment below! have a great weekend!


  1. Should love to see M.A.U as the next lot of classic captions

  2. Que buenos caption muy creativos, para los siguientes boto por las novias enojada.

    Cuidate y no te sobre esfuerces

    1. Gracias Zero! en eso estoy, pero ya estoy ansioso por recobrar el uso de mis dedos

  3. Tg remote and magic collar!

  4. Angry girlfriend!!
    And those are amazing!!

  5. You gotta bring out some MAU content. Such an underrated prompt.

    1. Yeah, it's quite hard to find content regarding the MAU, just the same old stories

  6. Angry girlfriend/ revenge is my vote. Love those kind of things, your halloween comics are always my favourites due to all the punishments.

    1. thanks! I don't think I can have a Halloween comic ready for this year with my fingers still out of working order

  7. Magic collar for more hucows!

  8. Always a big fan of MAU captions!

  9. I live for poorly placed bets captions!

  10. How is CoC going by the way? Get well soon! :)

  11. Anyone know the name of the woman pounded in the third gif?

    1. kayla kayden! You'll see more of her probably.

  12. M.A.U. (morphic adaptation unit) / TG remote would be great!

  13. These came out really great, my favorite was the first one. Also Angry girlfriends / Revenge Gender Bend please

  14. Love the captions this month! Was wondering if we will see the other chapters of Autocloset any time soon?

    1. Yeah! In October it will be released the Autocloset comic 2 of 3

  15. I'd love to see some MAU, the transformations are always fun
    bets and collars as sercond andt third choices

  16. Alright so starting from the top:
    1. "the bimbo cow" is STEPHANIE MICHELLE, lots of porn, if mildy suggested rather than literal she is mild core and is a patreon slut.
    2. "Fishnet Mirror girl" is DANA HAMM, she does nude model work but it is rare to find, not impossible but its out there, she has her own onlyfans and she tends to take a lot of teasing pictures but no sex or nudity on it. You're better off googling her for nudity.
    3. "slutty library girl" is KAYLA KAYDEN I know the caption is a different story but the original porn video this is from is kayla kayden having sex with a "library guy". Kayla is 100% a porn star, normally I absolutely hate implants with a passion; however, her naturals beforehand and her choice to go with "conservative" size increase makes her implants look borderline real and she is also drop dead gorgeous. Love her as a porn star, can't go wrong just looking her up on pornhub.
    4. "Nerdy girl in glasses" is GABBIE CARTER, I'm a huge huge fan of Gabbie carter as a pornstar as she has nice sized (note I didn't say big because even though most would consider her boobs big I like even bigger than hers lol) boobs and she does a pretty good job at being a slut on scree. Another A lister of the AVN and you can't go wrong with just pornhub searching Gabbie Carter for content as well.
    5. "Naughty Skinny Blonde" is KENZIE REEVES, Kenzie is rather famous for her "blacked" videos in the porn industry. This entails her essentially having sex with a black guy; however, she has a lot and I mean a lot of scenes were she has sex with pretty much anyone. Even for porn star standards she is a slut. Another porn star you can simply look up on Pornhub. She isn't my cup of tea as she is very nearly flat chested ;however, I can't help but find her enticing with her enthusiasm and well "acting" lol.
    6. "BDSM girl" is SUZY BLACK, she was very hard to find actually, she is 100% a porn star as the caption picture suggests and she is quite the naughty little girl. Lots of bdsm and some regular sex scenes as well. The dominatrix's name is "ELISA", personally I don't like these kinds of scenes and of course Suzy is much to flat chested for me but for those that want more of her content it will be difficult to find. If you're looking for simple nudity google will be your friend, in terms of full sex scenes that will be possible but difficult she is a foreign porn star so good luck.
