Monday, February 22, 2016

Your throat itches? Here, I know how you can scratch it.

I'm glad, very glad that the ":O Series" was, mostly, well received! Specially since many told me in the comments that even though it's not their thing, they enjoyed this captions anyway. Great!
I wanted to post on friday as usual, but I was unable to - I'll explain at the bottom of the post why.

So, with only one post left of the ":O Series" before we can move into other things, let's just focus on enjoying the captions I brought you today, and I sincerely hope you like them!

Thanks to the anonymous who left this image as a comment o te last post!

In case in the previous Caption you felt there was something missing or out of scale
It's the same caption, but I couldn't make my mind about what image to use, so... "bonus" pic!

I'm having some issues with electric power... I will tell you more, probably in the next post, but for the last weeks I've been seriously handicapped being unable to turn on the PC, or simply loosing progress because of a sudden blackout.

See you in a couple of days! As always, any suggestions, requests or feedback is more than welcome!


  1. So good caption 2 it absolut best mind fuck!!! So perfect

    And the the serie is very good cant not ... I must obey haha

    1. Funny, I thought you would like number 3 more!
      thanks Album!

  2. Awesome as always,

    This O series got me thinking about someone(thing) with a perfect O or two. Someone becoming an actual sex doll.

    Keep up the good work...

    1. Who knows? We might see something like that around here in the future...

  3. Definitely seeing some great stuff here, looking forward for more captions from this series.

    1. Thanks Danni! there still onepost left of the series

    2. I'll be so sad when this series ends.

    3. I'll be so sad when this series ends.

    4. I'm sorry you feel it that way... but it's like the comedians say, short and good is better, always leave the audience wanting a bit more.
      Don't worry, the series will return from time to time, they always do!

  4. As I said in the previous post, Im not into this kind of Tg because I love lesbians but yet you still manage to draw my attention! Whats wrong with me? I never liked homo Tg but now you're making me look more into it... I hate you!
    From this batch Im taking the 1st as my fav, and the 2nd one as a close runner uyp. it's just too funny and the stretched outh of the blonde bimbo is amazing!

    1. Ha! again I tell you, something triggered your inner bimbo... Don't fight it, she'll take over you.
      Yeah, that mouth really is something

  5. Preggo caption is amazing and unexpected in the series pls give us the girl name!

    1. I don't remember, but I do remember the watermark of the picture said "Euromodels"

  6. Have you considered a UPS (uninterrupted power supply)? Assuming you don't have a power hungry Monster of a machine you can buy a decent one for about $60 that will at least give you enough time to save your work and power down your compute. They have them at best buy or if you buy one online I can give you links to Amazon or Newegg.

    (BTW I'm that guy that was begging you to make a girl to sexier girl transformation a while back loving the stuff you put out :D)

    1. I remember you, of course, You and another guy who wanted a swap comic from a dad into her rebel teenager daughter; but I could never find enough time to make them.
      I have considered it, but they provide just a couple of minutes and sometimes just saving the scene takes more than that. And once the power is gone, you never know when it'll return.
      And of course, there's this thing - right now they have double their cost due to the power problems

    2. OUCH that's down right petty . I everything gets better asap!

  7. Ia #4 Amy Anderson? AKA the perfect bimbo?

    damn these are hot


  8. Hello VIP!!!!!

    my two tipps for inspiration youre stories!!!

    If two great histories has read again!!
    so evil horny for reading

    4 campers camp in that sews of a lake
    Per day one disappears after the other dips than horny woman again on that the other remaining men thumps!!!

    a fire woman takes over the control from all bit by bit!!

    2 BOOK

    4 students wanted to make a nasty one stroke then women!!
    If sexist posters have hung up in theirs do woodwork!!!
    bit by bit verwandelnb to itself the hourly ducks in horny women.
    one after the other

    always first with bad traum!!
    afterwards one the other becomes an emergency-cool maiden to a Hotesse etc.....

    it was to be read breathtaking

  9. Such good captions! especially love 1&2! Can't wait to see the rest is the series. Please consider doing more like these in the future!

    1. Thanks Eden!
      The series will return from time to time, that's for sure

  10. Really enjoyed the first caption in this set. Prego isnt really my thing but everyone has their kink and I hope those who are into it enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed the first caption.

    1. Thanks, I cans ee the first caption is winning this post by much, and it was an image provided in a comment on the previous post

  11. Fantastic set and what a great series! Really enjoyed the punishment caps where they're made into over-the-top stereotypes. Bravo!

  12. Vip, I think you and I are on the same page with the kind of transformations we enjoy. Transferring masculinity/femininity is an absolute mega kink of mine that is not explored enough in comics! In addition, of course, to liking all your comics! Please keep these kinds of caps coming!

    1. my problem with comics is that in most of them, everything happens in a single page. One frame it's a guy, and in the next *puff* it's a girl. That's why I try to make the transformation more explicit and slow, like in stories

    2. Slow and explocit i love it total
      Heart is ...sooo burn
