Saturday, December 1, 2018

Corruption of the Champion - part 20!

Hello everyone! How's that weekend going?
Can you believe it? 2018 is almost gone! And I have big plans for December, in fact, I think it's likely that this month will fall short if everything goes right.

Now, the last CoC chapter was in August. Wow, feels like a long time ago. We had some things in the meantime, but still, I think I'm not the only one who wanted to see a bit more of our new "blondie" champion adventures, am I right?

Just a heads up: This is a short chapter. Why? I'll explain at the bottom of this post.

So, do I need to remember how we left the Champion the lat time we see him? Ok, let's have a quick reminder

So, as usual, you can download it from any of this links here:


Now, why is this chapter so short?
Welll, actually it was like 90 pages long. 90!!! So I've decided to split it in 3 parts. And you know what that means?
Yes, that Part 21 will be released... Before 2019!
So this will be, unofficially, "CoC Part 20 1/3"

Also, considering the feedback about the colors of the champion's dialogue boxes, I've changed them. Please tell me if they work better for you this way.

So that's it. Did you liked it? Did you hated it?
 Share your thoughts, give me some feedback!
And THANKS again for your amazing support!!!! Enjoy!


  1. Ciao vip! Qui chris! Peccato che questo capitolo era corto. Capitolo molto bello e molto eccitante.mi piace la freddezza di ifris lei è molto sadica per fare un mix di drink. Mi piace che Martin è diventato il fu*ktoy della città. Il nostro campione prima di ottenere qualche QI in più ne ha di strada da fare. Non vedo l'ora di vedere come la coniglietta di vendica su Martin perché gli ha tolto il pubblico. Una scena di toltal body inflazione che lo gonfia come un palloncino XD ? Grazie vip x il tuo lavoro e il tuo impegno. Lavoro ottimo come sempre. Aspettiamo con ansia anche il prossimo capitolo!


    1. Ciao chris come stai!
      Sono molto contento che ti sia piaciuto, so che è stato più breve del solito. Più come i primi capitoli, circa 30 pagine, giusto?
      Dubito che vedremo l'inflazione ... Ma se avrò tempo, la bunnygirl avrà la sua vendetta!

    2. Io sto molto bene grazie. Tu come stai? Come va la nuova vita? Lo so che nn vedremo una scena di inflazione ma io continuo a sperare che arriverà. Capitolo corto ma di ottima qualità. In COC dall' inizia del fumetto adesso si è visto un gran miglioramento sia in sceneggiatura che nel render. Grazie per il tuo impegno. Sono sempre piu curioso di come loope si vendicherà su Martin. Magari legandolo ad una sedia e forzarlo a bete un mix di liquori. Se accadesse martin con il QI basso non capirà mai cosa gli stara facendo XD. Perché non fai un post dove parlo un po' di te? Da che stato vieni? Come è iniziata questa tua passione? Ti ammiro ottimo lavoro continua cosi!

    3. Grazie Christian! Dubito che farò mai un post su di me - non mi piace quindi essere così egocentrico e non mi piace dare troppe informazioni
      (perché una volta ho visto un compagno di lavoro che navigava nel suo computer quello che sembrava essere "The Blossoming")

  2. Oh, cuando vi el nuevo post pensé que ya era Navidad �� . Que bueno que todavía no ��. Excelente número. Como comentas, es un poco corto comparado con lo que nos has ido acostumbrando últimamente, pero no por ello de menor calidad. Gracias por tomar en cuenta las ideas de tus fans. Esa interacción entre Ifris y Rubí estuvo genial, y me da mucho gusto volver a ver a Loope. Veremos qué venganza tiene planeada contra Martín. Se veía muy enojada. Saludos desde México. Atte. JV

    1. Ufff nada peor y mas aterrador que la venganza de una mujer despechada, no? Ya veremos en el proximo capítulo!

  3. Hello, super great work again !
    I wanted to share you my tumblr at the same time cause i think you might like it and give you inspiration maybe ?
    here it is (and if you consider it as a pub, tell me and i'll delete it ^^)

    1. No, I don't consider it a pub. you're not selling anything or flooding every post with entried

      This pic, owever, reminds me of Martin:

  4. Loved Rubi and Ifris part. Hope there is continuation of that. :D Great job as always.

    1. Thanks! I felt like Ifris was being wasted. she has so much potential!

  5. great chapter, looking forward to more transformations!

    1. Thanks a lot! I think I'll make it before 2019

  6. new chapter! awesome

  7. Great chapter, I hope Rubi has a few more transformations to come, be a shame to leave him as he is…

  8. Ha!! great chapter! Thank you
    Bimbo Martin is amazing and I love Ifris after this chapter. Also the big one page TF was very well done

    1. Thanks, I thought it would be nice to do something in a different way

  9. I'm not sure if you do sequel captions, but it would be awesome if you could based on one of these-

    Please consider the request, I absolutely LOVED that first piece you did based on this set! :D

    1. I rememebr the long haired caption! Was it like 2 years ago?
      To be honest, I hardly do, and I doubt I will do a sequel right now.

  10. realmente me gustaria los capitulos completo que anque se demoran mas que un capitulo dividido en 3

    1. Veremos que sucede despues de Diciembre, a ver si continuo con entregas cada 3 meses o las acorto

  11. Short but good. Thanks VIP!

  12. I miss martin transforming to a bimbo but now that he's at the end(?)of his transformations, there's little to look forward to. thank you for your hard work vipcaptions, I appreciate your work overall. Maybe that bunny will make Martin to original self? then may transformations begin once again? one can only hope.

    1. The end of the transformation?? NOooo... not yet

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. I loooove the rubi part, please add more of those, the weight gain and the transformation was superb

  15. Toute les scènes avec Bimbo Martin sont vraiment génial malheureusement je n'aime pas la partie avec Rubi mais je trouve que c'est quand même un bon chapitre

    1. Eh bien, ne vous inquiétez pas, Rubi est un personnage secondaire, il ne va guère attirer autant l'attention.
      Merci pour les commentaires!

  16. Te ha salido genial, como siempre.

    Aunque sigo creyendo que al ritmo que va, el pobre de Martin acabará sus dias aceptan el tercer y último piercing de Ceraph.

  17. look this

    1. I don't think I'm getting it. Are you sending me the link to yur new Blog, the one that replaces tumblr? Sorry!

  18. Bimbo Liquor was my fave item in the game, looking to see just how far Martin is going to go~ any hint on when the other parts are coming out? leaving those cliffhangers aching for more~.

    1. Yes, there will be a release (big fat release!) before New Year, maybe for Christmas... If I don't end something else sooner

  19. finally loppe chapter!
    Loppe for president!

    1. Yep. Loppe is coming and she's mad at the poor Champion!

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.


  22. Replies
    1. Oh, albumhunter it's you!
      I don't use discord. Is it ok if I email you?

  23. Hi Vip, when will you be uploading the new chapter? Thanks! Happy Holidays and New Year!

  24. Hello Vipcaptions!
    Thank you for all your hard work! This series is truly amazing and I look forward more transformation for the champion (the more demon like the better hehe)!
    For clarification sake (sorry for my eagerness ) will you upload the new chapter before or after new year's eve?

    1. Thanks a lot! Im glad you enjoy it so much.
      I will upload the next chapter before 2019 (well, at least in this part of the world)... Maybe... Tomorrow?
