Sunday, September 8, 2024

September starts with Captions! Bimbos, big butts, etc - And some news


Happy Monday my friends!

Well, that would be if only those Goddamn Mondays could be happy. Fuck I hate Mondays!

But I can do something to alleviate the coming week! Enjoy this series of captions. Except for preggos, they have a bit of the favorite stuff!

Last couple of weeks have been extremely busy, I am unable to properly give the VC stuff the attention it requires. Some travels kept me most of the month away and a couple more are in the horizon. I will try to have at least more captions ready this month if I am to travel again.

But you know what I realized? that Halloween is in the Horizon! Good thing I left a couple of pages of this year's comic ready since last year. I have the feeling this year the comic will land right on time for once ðŸ˜‚!

I hope you likes the captions! Always glad to come back and have some fun with you my friends! Have a great week!

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Finally a new comic: The NanoDrink

Welcome back my friends! And let's get the wheels in motion once again

Of course, just not to lose the habit, I took an extra week than promised to complete the comic, but you know how is it: you make plans so life can shit all over them laugh.

I think that maybe, almost starting August, it was a good time to change the Christmas Banner, don't you think?

So how about the new comic?

It is actually a pretty straight-forward comic, and as may have requested it goes straight to the action in the first pages but after such a long time, I needed something to stretch my rendering muscles.

But maybe I'm selling short my own comic? I don't know, you tell me!


Get if the following links:



This is all for this post, next weeks I'm adding new captions.

I really hope you enjoyed it! Feedback is always welcome. So glad to be back, thanks for stopping by!

Saturday, July 6, 2024

And one day, just like that, I am back!

My Friends!! How have you been? I've missed you so much! (And nope, no Arnie bad puns in this post, even though I'm giving him a run for his money with the returns).

But first, let me explain you why you have not heard from me, because I owe an explanation.

Many times I had to come and go, I went dark and come back, but never for such a long period. The last months have been... Pure Chaos. At a personal, intimate and work level.

Many times I tried to sit down and explain I was going through a hellstorm, but I couldn't find the strength, the words, or the energy. 

And just as I struggled with that I found myself unable to feel inspired. Everything I tried to so was, well, solid shit.

I know I have been selfish by throwing a smoke bomb and disappearing. I hope you will understand I was in serious need of solace and thinking time, and most importantly: I had nothing to offer to you.

I hope you understand, I hope we are still cool, and I can only thank the lovely messages and support. I will try to thank you back the only way I know how to: Releasing more content!

So... What's coming? When, maybe next week, a new comic! It will be a simple one but a one that is making me exercise the "perverted mind muscle"

I'll just leave a little render from hat comic around here...

Disclaimer: it's not a futa comic

In the meantime, I'll try to answer all the feedback in the coming days.


Love you my friends.

Friday, March 15, 2024

The Lil' Piggies: Part 5 and final post of the mini-series


Merry Weekend for everyone!

How are you doing my friends? I had to be out the past couple of weeks, so sorry for not answering your feedback and for the lack of new content this past few weeks. I will try to get up to date during the weekend.

But that is in the past! Today I bring you the final post of the lates mini-series, where men who behave like pigs are turned into Little nasty piggies themselves.

There is a short comic coming soon, one of the many commissions I took and that are finally coming to an end. Not right now, but during the next months I believe.

But for now, let's just focus in the new victims of the new mini series, shall we?

First we have someone who got a very, VERY unexpected surprise

Let's continue with something that was past its due time: Becoming a proper, busty, dumb Bimbo!

Reaching the end, we have another pig who will be forced to enjoy the power of monster manhood...

... And of course, the last one is saved for someone who must enjoy womanhood at it full power!
Someone asked for Piggie squeals... ?

And that is all for today, and for this mini-series. Do you have a favorite?

I am thinking of making a set of 3 post dedicated to another mini series, or do a small contest, something like I did with "The hair battle" or something new like "boobs vs butts" or "Asian vs Latina vs Caucassian vs Black" or something like that, just for fun.

I would love to hear what you think about it or any ideas.

anyway... thanks for dtopping by, and have a great weekend!

Friday, February 23, 2024

The Lil' Piggies: Last set, or one more?

Hello my friends and happy Friday! The weekend has started for many of you already - so jealous!

This weekend I have yet a new instalment of the latest mini-series, I've been having lots of fun thinking about ideas for the stories in this captions.

But is this mini series going for too long already? Will this be the last Post of the Lil' piggies series? So far I'vew been having lts of fun, I think I will make another set... Unless you ask me to stop. Your opinion matters a lot here!

Anyway, lt's go straight up to tonight's punishments!

First we got someone who discovered a bit late how fun is to play with toys...

Then let's ask ourselves... what could make a woman give you that look ?

Now, if you plan to live your life the lazy way, you may at leats consider who will be your "daddy"

And let's not EVER forget that every beach... Has their beach bimbos!

Have a great weekend my friends! Thanks so much for stopping by!

Friday, February 9, 2024

The Lil' Piggies - Part 3


Hello my friends and welcome back! You had a good week? I hope better than mine - melting under a heat wave and with some cuts to the electrical service and supply on top of that. 

But having such high temperatures has its little bonus - Summer cleavages! :P

So the Lil' Piggies mini series is reaching its 3rd posts, so its coming to an end.... Or is it? Maybe there will be a 4th - I leave you to decide if you want more of you want regular captions

So what about tonight's punishments? tinight's Piggies?

Let's start with Jody - and her "unusual" addiction

Then we have a righteous punishment... Turned into the frat doll!

But I want to be more "modern" - and what is more modern nowadays that being hot and dedicated to growing your own Onlyfans account?

Or you could be more classic, and end up as a housewife... And carry a couple of frustrations maybe?

I think I made a little less typos errors than last time. Hard to know because I write fast, read fast, and check lightly.

This is it for this week. Thanks for stopping by and have a great weekend!

Friday, February 2, 2024

The Lil'Piggies - Part 2


Hello my friends and have a wonderful start of February!

Funny thing... Before going on vacations, I left the Lil'Piggies posts set to auto-post during the past two weekends, so why haven't you seen them? Oh... I just put them to post on February 2025 *headslap*

But the important thing is that now is fixed, and that the Wekend is almost upon us!

How are you liking this new mini series? It is kind of strange to not describe the transformations for me, I feel like cheating. But do they work for you? I do like them a lot.

Anyway, here are another pigs turned into Piggies. Enjoy!

First is Eloise, and she is a little kinky maid at his master's service

Or maybe, the punishment involves becoming like Faith... A preggo baby popper?
Finding preggo POV videos likethis one has been very hard. Any help with link will be highly appreciated!

Another punishment could be becoming like Polly... the ultimate old school girlfriend!

Or your life couls start all over again, young, naive, and sensitive...

I just noticed... WTF is going on with the post entry image? It just goes to black all of the sudden.

GIFs are so clumsy to make and manage, I hate them, but Webm forat is not a viable solution yet.

I shall return in next week and then I can reply all the feedback and questions.

Thanks for stopping by and have a great weekend!!

Friday, January 12, 2024

New year, new mini series: The Lil'Piggies!


New year only mean one thing: New mini-series!

For some time I've been thinking of making several POV-oriented captions, and since I fnd myself having a lot of upper POV's, I though I should put them to good use.

So what is the new series about? No, don't be misleaded because of the logo. It is not furry stuff (I notices the probable confusion after making the first couple of captions :P). It's all about seeing these guys on their backs as women, being fucked. What a view for your new life, what a presentation card, huh?

The new series is all about punishment. It is about guys being pigs in different ways, some little, others gigantic pigs, but pigs nonetheless. and as little pigs... They should pay the price and become little kinky pigs themselves, forced to start a new life as a girl, each one for a different period of time, and each life something drastic, different than what he once was. Consider it a cosmic trial court.

Maybe you were a student? Now you are a french maid. 

Maybe you were a big boss? Cool, but now you will be a housewife.

Maybe you were just a regular guy? Too bad, you are a nympho MILF now.

You never know what they might get! But one thing is for certain: they are getting fucked!

Anyway, enough of me writting a shitload of text. Here you have the first batch of captions! 

There are 4 former guys, now 4 lifes that have been changed forever, and maybe one of these faiths could hapen to you if you have ever been a Pig... But wich could it be?

Is it Becky, the Naughty step-sister?

Or maybe you like them older, like Cory the cougar?

Maybe something more romantic like Lucy the virgin Bride?

Or you're just into girls-to-girl action like Tammara the lesbian lover?

Now, also as usual, it's the start of my summer vacations. I won't be online much and I will try to answer each comment and feedback from the beach.

But fear not! I left a couple of posts on auto-post for the next cvouple of weeks.

I hope you like the new mini-series! See you at my return... You pigs XD

And thanks for stopping by!

Friday, January 5, 2024

Welcome 2024! First post of the year

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Thursday, December 28, 2023

Last Post of the year, a personal note, and some Captions


2023 is fading away, gasping for the last breathe as 2024 comes fast like a speeding train with the usual new year resolutions and promises - Yeah, those new year promises that almost never are fulfilled XD.

Even though the last part of 2023 had some pretty tight schedule for me, I wanted to give you all that I can like the Christmas comic, and now some captions (the Christmas comic is having some mixed review, ranked at 2.5 / 5 starts in e-hentai; but it's Ok, I did not expected it to be super popular I knew it was not for everyone I was just playing with new thing looking for original content.)

So, before I get emotional, here are the captions:

Now, on a personal level, I cannot stop to be surprised and enjoy at how amazing you are my friends. I think we have fun, don't we? I can only thank you for your endless patience and good will, and the low, very low amount of trolls I have to deal with. Even the harsh feedback (because I tend to jump the shark from time to time :P ) is almost always well meant and respectful, and hella helpful.

I know I still owe you the CoC ending, and you should know it is being made, I will reduce it a bit sadly, and it probably will be seeing a good part of it in the coming trimester. I made a mess with the commissions this year, and life made a mess of my spare time to add to the shortcomings.

Next month I will make a post with all the current works and plans so you can have your say and a better picture of what's going on, and a poll to let you choose what direction I should take.

I know I can always count on you and on this little thing I do to cheer me up in many hard moments, that without you on the other side would have no purpose of even existing.

Also, the Patreon support has been amazing considering 90% of everything I make is free; and it did not go unnoticed, it even had charity purposes that I would like to imagine that even if it was a little grain of sand ina big desert, it made the world a little tiny bit better in a very very humble way.

For all that was said before and all that is about to come I can only say:


Have a wonderful end of 2023 and an amazing start of 2024! Let's see what cool ideas we can explore this year... Cheers!

Saturday, December 23, 2023

Ho Ho Ho! Merry Christmas! And that can only mean one thing: Surprise comic!


Welcome back my friends!

I missed you and missed this! I know I keep saying that - But it's true! My agenda has left me with little time.

But first things first:

Merry Christmas!!!

(or Happy Holidays, or Happy Festivus, or happy nothing, or whatever suits you)

Now, I don't like seasonal events because of the deadlines to make them (Halloween might be an exception) and they tend to be quite cliche, but for Christmas usually I prepare something - call it a Quiz, or a captions pack for Christmas, but this year has been incredibly slow in terms of captions and the quiz maker website is not free anymore.

So what can I do now? How can I gift you something to say how thankful I am for your support and patience? And in so little time...

I know... I think it's the first time ever I'll do... 

A Christmas comic!

I have thought of a super-original idea, a never done before kind of story: Our unlikely hero is the only one who can help Santa save Christmas! I know. Who could have thought of something so new and creative? Oh, another thing: it involves presents, and having to do it all in one night. Wow. I know. Head blowing stuff here.

But... this is not ordinary Santa, and his help is needed in a less "family friendly" style. 

Get it here:




So that is it for tonight! Whatever you are celebrating, or forced to do so, or avoiding doing so, I just send you my best wishes. I myself am preparing for a big family dinner, and there is a guaranteed family fight that I won't miss for anything - It might evolve into a brawl. Top notch show: we even take bets amongst some family members betting on who's starting it.

Once again, I want to thank you all. I hope this little gift pleases you, just as I am so pleased to share this passion with you and have some fun. You are amazing.

Tell me if you like it! And tell me... How are you spending this Christmas? Fights? Family? Friends?  Maybe some funny story? See you, hopefully, before next year... And whatever you do, try to get the best out of it!