Tuesday, February 26, 2019

WoTW Day 7... The end?

Wow, what a day was day 6! How's your throat after that day? I hope not too sore. Oh, and your knees? Can you still stand up? I hope you're not hurt after an entire day being on them for support.

But that's the past. Let's focus on the present, because a week has 7 days and as such, this magical and cursed week you spent being used as a magical guinea pig has come to its last day.

You've been expecting this one, didn't you? You know it was coming, It was the second most voted one, and I saved it for last because I like to be a little mean sometimes.

It wasn't easy for me neither. I needed a picture that not only I liked, but also can't not look too happy or too humilliating. A neutral one. I did surf through a lot, believe me, a LOT of pictures and spent many hours debating myself which one to choose and caption.

I know it's not popular, but I wanted to make a way longer caption, but there's only so much space you can use in a caption to write a short story, right?

I hope I made the right choice with the picture and the story. I knowI like it, but you be the judge anyway.

So let's put an end to this wall of text... and let's see how you look today:

I hope you liked it! Sorry if it was a very long caption.
This weekend: WoTW BONUS! The final caption, what fetish could it possibly be?

And, the Weekend after this one...
 CoC #22!


  1. I wished I would get turned into a hot sexy pregnant futa.

    1. Let me see... how about: Hot lactating muscular pregnant multibreasted cowmorph futa. Beat that!

    2. Ultimate challenge! Lol

  2. If possible I would love to see another caption incorporating really long hair again at some point!

    1. Ah, I remember you!
      I tell you this, if I can across a pic that works, I'll give it another try

  3. These WoTW captions have been amazing. I'd like to see these cards in a TF RP card game for sure. Seen a bunch like them on Roll20 before.

    1. Thanks!
      I'd like that too. It would be a fun game, but, I wonder if losing wouldn't be better than winning in that game?

    2. lol, possibly but would be fun to play anyways.

  4. I generally don't care for the captions, but this was a good filler while waiting for the next chapter of the comic.

    1. Thansk a lot then! it's good when someone likes something that usually don't like
