End of the year balance
Wow! 2012 it’s
about to end in hours (unless you’re in Asia or Oceania, in that case you’re already
in 2013), and it was quite an interesting year!
So, what was so good about it? (links are in RED color!)
The year started good for those of you who love using your imagination I developed a Meme so you can
experience what could happen to you if you got TG'ed - Go on, TG yourself by clicking HERE
And let's not forget about that nice interracial and ebony TG that's so rare!
Also, I decided to reduce the amount of words and make shorter captions. Considering my usual typing mistakes and not so good grammar, I think it was an improvement.
Preggo Caps were also added more regulalry in the posts.
As far as poser comics go, this year had a lot of movement! First, after many months and hours of work, I released wich I believe was my best poser comic ever: A Second Chance, and after that Holy C**, followed by Bites Ch. II a couple of weeks ago, and also, a mini-comic that not everyone saw it was downloadabe at the bottom of this post.
Having so much poser comics around certainly delayed the Captions production quota, but still we have enough time to have some fun using Photoshop to create perfect girls and even release a Caption pack with 90 captions for download!
Big changes started to happen around September, when I busted my balls in creating the new Blog Design (wich is still not 100% functional). I know people had trouble, but as you can see in the poll, most of us like it this way so that's how it'll stay for a while.
After so much work some celebration was due to come, and what can beat celebrating like a brainless Bimbo surrounded by sissies?
Yes, it's been a great year and you know what? It was all because of you.
Every hit counter, every comment, every suggestion, every like and any kind of feedback drived me forward and fueled me.
All I can say after the wonderfull support I had this year is, simply...
Happy New Year and Best regards,
Your friend,
P.S.: not for you, SGOMMA3 you artwork stealing bitch.
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