Monday, December 31, 2012

End of the year balance

Wow! 2012 it’s about to end in hours (unless you’re in Asia or Oceania, in that case you’re already in 2013), and it was quite an interesting year! 

So, what was so good about it? (links are in RED color!)

The year started good for those of you who love using your imagination I developed a Meme so you can 
experience what could happen to you if you got TG'ed - Go on, TG yourself by clicking HERE

And let's not forget about that nice interracial and ebony TG that's so rare!

Also, I decided to reduce the amount of words and make shorter captions. Considering my usual typing mistakes and not so good grammar, I think it was an improvement. 

Preggo Caps were also added more regulalry in the posts. 

As far as poser comics go, this year had a lot of movement! First, after many months and hours of work, I released wich I believe was my best poser comic ever: A Second Chance, and after that Holy C**, followed by Bites Ch. II a couple of weeks ago, and also, a mini-comic that not everyone saw it was downloadabe at the bottom of this post.

Having so much poser comics around certainly delayed the Captions production quota, but still we have enough time to have some fun using Photoshop to create perfect girls and even release a Caption pack with 90 captions for download!

Big changes started to happen around September, when I busted my balls in creating the new Blog Design (wich is still not 100% functional). I know people had trouble, but as you can see in the poll, most of us like it this way so that's how it'll stay for a while. 

After so much work some celebration was due to come, and what can beat celebrating like a brainless Bimbo surrounded by sissies?

Yes, it's been a great year and you know what? It was all because of you
Every hit counter, every comment, every suggestion, every like and any kind of feedback drived me forward and fueled me.
All I can say after the wonderfull support I had this year is, simply... 


Happy New Year and Best regards,
Your friend,

P.S.: not for you, SGOMMA3 you artwork stealing bitch.

32 TG Comments (leave yours!):

Monday, December 24, 2012

Santa left something: a new Captions Pack! Can you handle so much captions? (updated)

Depending on wich part of the world are you right now, if you're lucky maybe you've already opened your presents or maybe you'll do it soon.

Well my friends, If you weren't lucky enough, your friend Vip as a little present for you:

Almost 100 new captions for you!

It's been quite a while since the last Caption Pack - since October 2011, more than a year!
The main reason behind it was that i focussed a lot more in the comics and well... as you grow older having enough spare time becomes a luxury!

So, what are you getting this time?

I hope this is not much to handle for you.

This round comes enhanced to please a wide variety of fetishes!
Apart from the ones you saw posted in this blog since the last update, there are photoshopped girls, bimbos, sissies, preggos, bondadge, weird TF... you'll see.

So let's stop wasting time here! You can get them this way:
- Download them from HERE, in my 4Shared folder! (*)
- Or log in to the Y! Group and browse them in the Photos Section!  
(remember to view the files in their original size as I explained in This Post!!!!)

* To open the files, you'll need WinRar

See you soon, and thanks for the comments on "Bites II"

Happy Hollydays!

18 TG Comments (leave yours!):

Sunday, December 9, 2012

I promised and delivered: poser comic Bites II is here!

There are a few things that are very rare to happen, such as a lighting striking twice at the same place,  Cristiano Ronaldo winning the World's Best Footballer award, or me doing the next chapter of a previous released comic.

Yes, my friends, for those of you who didn't see the most obvious spoiler ever in my previous post, I proudly release the second chapter of "Bites", wich was my 4th poser comic, done way back in 2009!

"Bites Chapter II" was one of the comics under development at the same time by me, and it was not easy to compete at time since I wanted really relly hard to start a new one based on this story (yeah, I'm one of those freaks who enjoy reading something with no images on it) left in the comments in this post. Thank you!

So, what can you expect to find in Bites Ch. II?


As usual I tried to explore something new. Mix a few fetishes together, put in a couple of easter eggs, and mostly provide something that doesn't have a lot of material around: werewomen!

Regarding my usual weak endings, I think you'll like this one.

Anyway, I'm not writting forever, and if you want to download "Bites Chapter II", just click here and get it from my 4Shared folder!
(Note: Probably I'll add a MediaFire mirror soon)

What can you expect from now on?
A new comic based on a new fetish?
Another comic based on my regular tastes?
Maybe another chapter of a previous comic like Lynx or Master-PC, Holy*** ?
Or a prologue of In the Name of Science, a new VipComics issue, or a complete remake of someting old and crappy like Omega Panet?

All I can tell you for sure is that the next release will be a pack of new 100+ captions while I finish the other projects.

They say second parts are never as good as the first. I do hope with all my heart that you enjoy this one, I had a lot of fun making it for you.

Remember that if you like it, want to add or ask something, or just tsay "hello", You're always welcome to Leave a Comment! (and I do need them to improve and motivate myself)

18 TG Comments (leave yours!):

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Big News! In the meantime, did anyone wanted preggos and miswishes?

I was looking through the caps done in my PC and waiting to be uploaded in the next pack for the hollydays, when I realized that those lovely, big boobed and belly swollen preggos were left behind in my previous posts!
I think that was a mistake that has to be solved inmediately, so here you go, enjoy some preggo caps, and don't forget to read the full post, since big news are being posted at the end of it...

 Maybe -just maybe- a comic will be done inspired in this cap

And here you have your lovely and humilliating miswishes!

 I love this one. Another posible future poser comic?

 Beshine really does save me a lot of photoshopping

Since I know you've been expecting a comic and I said I was working on several at the same time, the good news is that next post will be, indeed, a poser comic release!

This must be the most obvious spoiler ever.

So if everything goes as planned, by the weekend or first days of the next you'll be able to download it.

Another thing I learned is that captions involving a group of people are higly unpopular, so there might not be more coming.

That's all for now my friends, and, as always...

Tell me what you think about this post! Suggesitons? Critics? Just saying hello? It doesn't matter, just please leave a comment!

6 TG Comments (leave yours!):

Monday, November 19, 2012

Friends, will be Friends...

Indeed, friends are the best thing in the world, right? What can be more beautifull than share a laugh, a costume, a good time?
That's simple: a Gender Bend!
Here, we generally see them as Tg-Bullies, or about to humilliate the victim without knowledge of who the hell is that girl, but I found very pleasing to make captions where a group of friends share their altered fate, either they embrace it or they helplessly fight against it.

On one hand, I love to imagine what happened to them, what has life turned out for each one of them, compare them, have them face to face after a while just to see wich one has turned into the biggert bitch first...

On the other hand, this captions are usually long, wich I know most people dissaprove.

But come on, give them a chance! I think you'll end up liking them a  lot!

I swear when I made this caption, I could hear the theme in my head

By the way, thanks a lot for the comments! If you like this post, have doubts or suggestions, please leave another comment!

Yes, I know. You're expecting a new comic.
You should know that I'm working as fast as I can in my little free time, while at the same time fight against my old PC.
If everything go as planned, in December there'll be a new release!

See you soon!

8 TG Comments (leave yours!):

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Let me tell you exactly what's going to happen to you...

Welcome back!

I should start this post by thanking the incredible amount of support received on the poll!
27 comments already! So many people voted! Lots of ideas shared! It's about to become the most succesful post ever in this blog...

Right now, my mind is kind of overflowing with ideas too, yet I believe I can please the likes of you, after knowing in what kind of way you prefer your transformatons.

So, moving on into today's post, there's not so much mistery about it... 6 captions, mostly short ones as you like, about guys being forced against their will to become the ultimate slut!

 I'll take 345.000 bottles of that, please.

 Mom always told me "honesty is the best policy" whenever I lied and she knew...

 Again, lies can make you have a bad time if you're discovered...

 I love this image so much!!! I think I'll recaption it a couple of times more...

Classic, busty and mildy chubby dumb-looking blonde bimbo saved for the ending...

I know It's been a while since the last caption pack was uploaded. A new one is ready, but I plan to release it for christmas. Patience, my friends!

Again, thank you for all your comments. You're the ones that inspire me.

Take this opportunity to inspire me a bit more and tell me what you think about this post!

10 TG Comments (leave yours!):

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Help me help you!

Half October has passed by and I'm fighting my attention dissorder, yet I'm very positive about some good news:
- Next week might be a new poser comic uploaded
- The week after a long posposed caption pack (around 140 captions I think)

Yet, I happen to have the bad habbit of brainstorming whenever I'm bored, and my brain has overflown with ideas for poser comics. Sadly, I never think about the endings...
But the thing about ideas, is selecting how the story will be told. I mean, does the main character entered into a MAU, or touched a cursed stone?
I would love to know in wich way of getting TGed you like to see the most for my future stories!



ALSO, if you want to download this set of images you can grab them from HERE, in my 4shared folder

And thank you for the comments in previous posts!

28 TG Comments (leave yours!):

Saturday, September 22, 2012

OH my! Is that... A new poser comic?

Even though the great, simpler, clean-looking and awesome new look of Blogger SUCKS A LOT, so much that I tried for 3 days to post something (and God forbid me if I have the courage to even add an image to the post), and constantly got blank pages, errors in the interface, until I've managed to finally post the good news...

One of the poser comics is done!

Ladies, gentlemen and Bimbos around the world, I present to you:

"HOLY ***"

"Holy ***" is my 10th comic, and it was kinda of a special one: I went to explore some of my favourite fetish.
Before you ask let me tell you, No, it is not 357892 pages long and has no chapters.
It is also not a 25 page quickie... At first it was supposed to be short and to come inside the soon to be released "VipComics 2", but it kinda grew and grew out of my control, consuming a lot of hours, and it has earned it's own comic.

So, what can you expect to find in "Holy***"?

I used the same formula that I used in "A Second Chance", but with even fewer dialogues, lots of self-explanatory images, it's more like a huge images sequence put togheter as a comic with some dialogues, and maybe mistakes in typing wich I'm to lazy to correct them all.

It also comes to a weak and abrupt ending, but since the story is not so sophisticated and more fap-oriented, it will do. Anyway, at least 95% of you probaly just forward the pages until the ones with the morphs!

So, enough with the writting, I'm sure you want to know how to get it.

Easy! just click HERE, and get it from my 4shared folder!

I sincerely hope you enjoy it, and if you do, don't forget to leave a comment with your thoughts.

See you soon!

18 TG Comments (leave yours!):

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

New blog design, thank you for waiting. You've been very good sissies, here's your reward!

I'm glad to Inform you that I'm done playing with the Blog design...
A lot of things were left halfway done or poorly implemented, but I busted my brains long enough and I can't get any more of it..
Maybe all those years of turning guys into Bimbos left some bad Karma on me?

...But, it's time to move on!

And since you've been waiting as I asked you without complaining, Here's the first part of your reward: captions about good sissies! (who also behave good... most of the times, at least)

In case you didn't noticed, Jenny Poussin is one of my top 3 favourite girls...

Petgirls... I love petgirls.
But I lack sources of good images to make more!

I think sissy slavegirls are paired head to headwith bimbos, after all ,there's just a thin line between those transformations: One has lost control over his mind/body, one has been deprived of all control or will...
Yet, both end up humilliating themselves, only that sissied suffer as much as they love that and bimbos... They're just Bimbos.

Preggos are a must. Sissy preggos are... just hot!

The remote has become a quick classic lately

Katie Cox: perfect dumb-bimbo-siliconed-looking babe

So, do you like the new look?
Wich caption is your favourite?
Any thought/ideas to share?

Leave a comment! (please)

11 TG Comments (leave yours!):