Happy New Year!

Dear captions lovers,
Finally a lousy 2009 has come to and end, with 2010 just hours away bringing hope to all those who lost their jobs in 2009 or suffer the consequences of this unfair world.
(I am one of those who lost their jobs and I'm stuck in a crappy new job for now, but, just like Tom does in this special caption made for new year I'm posting today, I look forward to a new year wich, after all, can hardly be worst.)

So honestly: I wish you a great 2010, may all your wishes come true (or at least, your TG wishes right?) may all your enterprises go well, let hope be the last thing you'll loose, party twice as hard if you go out or enjoy your company like never before, I'll have a toast for you all across the globe, I salute you and thank you once again for reading this blog, giving me feedback and downloading my captions even when they have the usual typing error or grammar error, I'm just doing my best for you to enjoy.
I can't stress more how thankfull I am towards you. We have a good thing going here.
Remember: the best is yet to come.
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